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Thread: female died unexpectedly??

  1. #11
    It could have been the reason for the smell. I just do not know.

    And if it were not for time I would have a 100 or so staked out all over the farm. But for me, available time dictates just about everything with the dogs. My son is off to college now so the dog count may increase, LOL. Since he was 7 years old it has been baseball from Feb/Mar to Oct/Nov. Football from July/August til Oct/Nov. Wrestling started as soon as football ended. Brazillian Jui Jitsu on the nights that were available. From 7 to 17 there have only been a handful of weekends we were sitting at home. Those ten years forced me from the 15-20 dogs I ran up and down the roads with to 3 or 4. In those ten years I made two breedings, for the same reasoning. I just di not have the time the dogs needed/deserved/demanded/asked for (any of the words seem to fit).

    Again, I leave the breeding to the people who are willing to commit to the time requirements. I just do not happen to be one of them. I did buy my weekly powerball ticket this morning so maybe Sunday morning I will have the time needed. Til then, it is back to the night shift again tonight.

    Thanks for the posts. To pshyco-analyze maybe I was hoping it was a rare from of blah-blah-blah that lessened my accountability. Pretty much hoping against hope. Basically she needed me when I did not have the time for her and that is on me. EWO

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    Thanks for the posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    To pshyco-analyze maybe I was hoping it was a rare from of blah-blah-blah that lessened my accountability. Pretty much hoping against hope.
    That is probably as honest as it can get. We've all been there, and it sucks, most especially for the dogs who rely on us.

    Kudos for the admission.

    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    Basically she needed me when I did not have the time for her and that is on me. EWO
    You had the time. You were right there the whole time. Sleeping.

    You just chose not to be bothered with bringing her in for her impending first-time-ever delivery, and went to sleep, assuming that she'd be fine.

    So really, it's about willingness to be there, not time.


  3. #13
    One of the (many) times I messed up bad, I had this bitch who was a terrible mother, Secret Star.

    I didn't know it at the time, because I made this fabulous inbreeding, with her back to her ACE uncle, Icon.

    She produced 7 pups in her first litter I think (I could only remember 4), but she was a horrible, no-instincts, mother.

    I had to basically hold her down and let the pups nurse. She was always trying to get away from them. Up to that point, I had never owned a bitch that hurt its own pups on purpose.

    Well, I had this other bitch, Tiki, who only had 1 pup bred to Icon also. The pup was a little older, but not by much.

    I decided to put Tiki out in a pen, to let her out of the crate, but it was cold inside the house, and I had to go to the airport.

    I decided to put her 1 pup in there with Secret Star, who was now outside in a pen with her pups, as a whole litter can keep each other warmer than just 1 pup.

    I put the 1 extra pup in there with the others ... as he was much darker and easy to recognize ... but Secret Star looked at him funny, and I had a weird feeling about it.

    I shrugged it off and drove to the airport ... but when I came back it was to an absolute slaughter: Secret Star just massacred every single one of those pups.
    Little broken puppies, skull fragments, brains, guts, and blood everywhere, just slaughtered them.
    You could still hear the sickening sounds of some of the poor little guys moaning in agony.

    To this day, I still beat myself up for that. Will never forgive my own stupidity.
    I should have gone with my gut, that something wasn't right about the way she looked at that pup, but I took the avenue of least resistance and ignored the sign.

    Those were some of the best, bred, most beautiful pups I could have bred, and I had VERY high hopes for them ... but a little bit of laziness cost me there too ... and I will never forgive myself for it either.


  4. #14
    Agreed. We all have the time. On average we are all allotted 24 hours per day. EWO

  5. #15
    I applaud your attitude, EWO. Not once have you shifted blame or denied it, I respect that a lot. I have a very good feeling you will use this as a learning lesson, good luck to you.

  6. #16
    You had the time. You were right there the whole time. Sleeping.

    You just chose not to be bothered with bringing her in for her impending first-time-ever delivery, and went to sleep, assuming that she'd be fine.

    So really, it's about willingness to be there, not time.

    Very good post.

    But sorry for your loss EWO.

  7. #17
    Great posts I applaud your attitude also ewo and Jack and everyone's input it's so good to see people out there not making excuses

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