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Thread: >>>))) ARTICLES ON CONDITIONING (((<<<

  1. #61
    CYJ, I don't really see that as an issue 12 hours before. A lot of dogs I've worked get fed in the a.m. also, usually 8-12 hours before their work, so what you're suggesting is actually a good idea.

  2. #62
    Ditto Frosty Paws. Back then my Veterinarian had told me a dog could clear the fluids it drank etc. up to six hours before a event. So went with a 12 hour fluid drink on work days.

    Last rest day, dog got last 30 hour feeding which could be 1 1/2times to twice the feed, based on what the dog ate last hard fourth work day counting 30 hours backwards from weigh in time. Before the three, thirty hour feed and rest days started. Counting four 30 hour feed cycles back from weigh in time. That fourth last hard work day, 30 hour feeding was slightly adjusted.

    24 hours water taken away. Fluid drink given at 12 hours and 6 hours before weigh in after rub down, walked and weighed. Letting dog drink till lifting it's head. In the J. Crenshaw keep he mentioned giving fluids at three hours before weigh in. If dog is weighing light at three hours out. Might not hurt to give more fluids etc. at the three hour mark.

    Just my thoughts on this. Sure there are better ways today. Cheers

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    Ditto Frosty Paws. Back then my Veterinarian had told me a dog could clear the fluids it drank etc. up to six hours before a event. So went with a 12 hour fluid drink on work days.

    Last rest day, dog got last 30 hour feeding which could be 1 1/2times to twice the feed, based on what the dog ate last hard fourth work day counting 30 hours backwards from weigh in time. Before the three, thirty hour feed and rest days started. Counting four 30 hour feed cycles back from weigh in time. That fourth last hard work day, 30 hour feeding was slightly adjusted.

    24 hours water taken away. Fluid drink given at 12 hours and 6 hours before weigh in after rub down, walked and weighed. Letting dog drink till lifting it's head. In the J. Crenshaw keep he mentioned giving fluids at three hours before weigh in. If dog is weighing light at three hours out. Might not hurt to give more fluids etc. at the three hour mark.

    Just my thoughts on this. Sure there are better ways today. Cheers


  4. #64
    If the dog is down weight i let them drink too, but the body itself absorbs very little in this time imo. most get pissed out before the show. might look a little heavier on time but it will piss out more later.

  5. #65
    Ditto Nut, that is correct. Not much one can do that late in the game. Why I preferred the dog weighing light or heavy on that second rest day. Rather deal with that problem 60 hours out than last 24 hours before show time. Can at least better adjust the last feeding and water and know the dog will be completely cleaned out.

    I feel this is one of the main culprits that make most dogs run hot. Instead of B-12 shots or some steroids in a limited and small dosage etc. Saw dogs clean out bowels during the show while in holds. Would be hot and breathing hard. None that I saw that did that, ever cooled out or won the dog pull.

    Seen this guy many years back, get so upset over a heavy weighing dog, right before weigh in. He takes three large sulfur matches and shoves them into the dog's anal cavity. Says Oh Man, I forgot to wet them first. Pulls the matches back out and sticks them into his mouth. Too get them good and wet. Then sticks them back into the dog's arse. I looked at him, said do you know what you just did? He says what? I said you just double dipped your chip in the Salsa sauce. If you get my meaning. LOL
    Last edited by CYJ; 09-22-2015 at 06:49 PM.

  6. #66

  7. #67
    That is way funny. But that is focus at its best. When you can 'double dip' and not know you double dipped, a person must really be locked in on the subject at hand. With that said, every buddy would look over at his buddy and say, "dumbass" and laugh his hind parts off. EWO

  8. #68
    A great series of articles. Pretty much worth a re-read and add if you can.

    This is the time of year I start upping the fat content a little, a little more than that if it is a dog that will start working hard soon. About a week or so ago I started pulling dogs off the chain and getting them 'all hot and bothered' on the mill, especially the younger dogs. The fat is going up, the work will increase gradually, and the temperatures will soon drop.


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