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  1. #81
    So much has been said here, do you care to elaborate ... or is ??? the best you can do in a conversation?

  2. #82
    I made a post but it wasn't anything that hadn't already been said.

    , My thought was the GCs were like starting fluid for your car. Yeah, the ether will get the car running but its not ideal or fix to the real problem and is harmful. I don't know any real mechanics that use it but in a pinch it will start your car in an emergency situation.

  3. #83
    IMO the short answer on how/why the Solus work has to do with charges(electrolyte solution) keeping the heart moving. Has to do with the ions. I struggle with the names of this stuff.A bag of Saline has so little salt it doesn't seem like it would conduct electricity well. I really don't know the amount in the GC but I bet its higher.

    To me the steroid part of it would make the heart beat harder when its wanting to quit.?

    But hellyeah, Solus would seem beneficial to a dog thats really in shock. In my minds eye I see the IV fluids as the oil and the GC as the gasoline/alcohol in an engine. Both totally necessary.

    Ive gotta test tomorrow on solutions so maybe I can come up with something coherent and not totally off base

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Ellis View Post
    I made a post but it wasn't anything that hadn't already been said.

    , My thought was the GCs were like starting fluid for your car. Yeah, the ether will get the car running but its not ideal or fix to the real problem and is harmful. I don't know any real mechanics that use it but in a pinch it will start your car in an emergency situation.
    Interesting analogy.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by SGC View Post
    Really good thread and many thanks to everyone shared their knowledge.

    It's good to see folks work together and put aside their differences… As was said, the bottom line is that we are all on the same side.

    Some very useful info here and I will have to read it again a few times to make sure I have a better understanding.

    A comment about Rimadyl, it can have some bad side effects and can do damage to the liver. Some dogs cannot tolerate it at all.

    A quick question… from one of Frosty's posts --

    How would TFX's info on Organic Germanium (Ge 132) fit in with all this? From what I understand, GE 32 increases the oxygen in the blood and promotes healing.

    Seems like the Ge 132 would be worth administering to promote healing once the dog is stable.
    I have used Ge132 before, especially after reading TFX's post on the subject, and I can't objectively say it made any difference. The issue with Ge 132 is that there is so much contradictory science. Some studies says it can slow down, and in some instances, stop the spread of cancers, etc. There are some studies saying that use up to as little as 2 months, depending on the dose, can cause severe renal damage.

    I've tried many things throughout the years, as I like to try and push whatever envelope I can in regards to nutrition, supplementation, etc. There are very few products, that I've used, that I could objectively say worked for the dogs. In regards to increasing O2 and promote healing, once the dog was stable, it would get increased protein and probably some type of anabolic steroid if you're really interested in increasing O2 and faster healing.

    Sorry about dredging up this old post

  6. #86
    I think this is one of the most interesting thread topics that's been on here, so no prob in resurrecting it.

    While some herbal/supplemental remedies are disappointing, others I still swear by today.

    Mostly herbal though.

  7. #87
    I don't know if this has been brought up somewhere else, but what about the use of GCs for meningitis?

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