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Thread: pinky and the brain keep

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    As a witness to Rollbar's keep for a time, he only used the weighted collar during the time he dragged weight with his dog. He didn't leave the weight on the dog when resting nor when on the mill.
    Going by his keep I believe he left the weighted collar on right up until a few days out.

    "Before we discuss amount of distance there is one more weight I have not mentioned yet and that is the neck weight I use. If you refer back to the Avi of Rapid Roy on the Spring Pole you will notice a gray weight on the collar. This is a 4-pound divers weight that a 2-inch collar threads through. This weight stays on the dog throughout the keep until Day 39 of the Keep. This is when the dog goes into complete rest and the weight is removed. Now some people do not like to use the weight they feel it adds unneeded stress to the dog, if we think for a minute this is the entire idea of the keep. This weight does not hinder the dog as much as one would think. They get use to it and they start behaving as if it does not exist. They are able to grab at the hide at the same speed. What is the difference with or with out. Well think what happens when it comes off? The dog has been use to this for almost 6 complete weeks, he is inside his crate resting and then on show day he asked to perform. Suddenly there is a difference in the dog’s speed and why not? He has been using his muscles to move this weight around to the point everything is natural. When he does not have it you will notice a much faster dog a much stronger dog. So what other times does the diver weight come off? Well of course when you weigh the dog then it goes back on for the treadmill work. During the rubdown I also take the weight off the dog.''

  2. #22
    Makes sense I guess. I was re-reading some of the posts and I said something to the opposite. I use the weight during the work but comes off after the work. I don't leave it on for the duration.

    I can see where the dog would acclimate to the weight and it would be come part of his natural actions. Slow him down at first, he acclimates and then is faster when the weight comes off. Makes sense.

    When I first learned these dogs rest was never spoken as rest, it was spoken as REST!!!!!!. Nothing, and I mean nothing was to interfere, off-set or impede REST!!!!

    That would be my issue with wearing it all the time. EWO

  3. #23
    Going by his written keep, that may have been the case Mitch. He may have adjusted it somewhere along the way too. I can remember the dog wearing it on the walk, but I don't remember the dog wearing it when he was on the mill nor some of the times when he was on his spot.

  4. #24
    That's right, I was just going by the keep. I was just curious about the waited collar, I remember way back in highschool when I tried playing basketball, I would wear ankle weights non stop at home, I even slept with them and when I took them off there was a difference, I felt lighter, faster and I could jump higher (not that much though), just enough to be able to grab the rim lol.

    Like I said earlier, Rollbar was the first dogman I met but I was getting ready to move out of the country so I wasn't around that much to learn more from him. I'm just trying to soak up as much info as I can because I'll need it rather sooner than later.

  5. #25
    Everything gets adjusted at some point.

    Can't think of anything having to do with sports, or conditioning, that doesn't merit adjustment at some point.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by mitchm View Post
    I purchased Rollbars keep about 14 or 15 years ago.

    This keep was on dvd format, not paper. It came with various little programs to open and view the many pictures and videos of dogs running treadmills, jenny, spring pole...It also came with a database of three dogs worked through their actual respective keeps showing the amount of feed, weights and work done every day. It had a simple but very effective dos pedigree program preloaded with many dogs including his own (unfortunately I can't open this dos program on newer computers). Blueprints for building a treadmill, jenny and making your own swivels, purchasing and raising puppies, prospects and show dogs and so on. I can't remember the price but it was much cheaper than $100. Rollbar was the first dogman that I met and I enjoyed being around him and listening to his stories.
    It was one of the most original and innovative things the dog game has ever seen in the way of publishing. Still beats nearly everything till this day. It came on CD-ROM if I'm not mistaken. LOL You'd be surprised at the people who plagiarized the format, structure, and entire passages passing it off as their own.

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