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Thread: Ch Pretty goes down -ch pretty goes down--ch pretty goes down

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by gotap_d View Post
    Thank you for the insight. It was told to me differently by Ch Queen's owner. His words were Pretty was all over Queen until Queen began removing her hardware. I also understand what you are saying about Pretty losing because of her keep but that camp is known for having a pretty good keep. That camp shaped another hound that was entered into another treadmill race the same night as Queen. He lost the treadmill race but imho he would have been blown out of the water if not for the shaping that was put on him.
    FYI: This was the first time this camp ever used this particular guy...and let me just say this...for whatever reason it's mighty strange that the camp behind Famous and Queen is always being accused of some unjustified bullshit in the game!!!

  2. #12
    I've gotten multiple accounts, and they all went right along with what gotap_d stated. Pretty was digging deep and hard on Queen until she came over the top and to the muzzle. Everyone was very complimentary of Pretty. One person even referred to her as a thoroughbred. She was every bit of that 39 pounds, and made Queen look little. No shade was brought up and no one had anything negative to say.
    Hopefully Pretty can make a name for herself in the brood pen as well.

  3. #13
    Yellowjohn who ever u is behind this screen u can't be a real dog man why u make excuses bro if you feel somebody doing something unjustified why will u hook in to them .take your ass whipped in get another dog in run him or her that what I do I don't make excuses . In for your information this team SUPER D- UNKNOWN KENNEL -Charles-in BIG RAFFLE BEEN TOGETHER SINCE SUPER D feet been back on dirt.

  4. #14
    Shit I have nothing bad to say about either hound great hounds as far as I've herd. Congrats to the better hound that night and hopefully we see some nice pups coming from pretty in the near future

  5. #15
    Subscribed Member SwampDweller's Avatar
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    Unjustified or underhanded ways, I can't say that... I have matched into this camp 3 times; and the record in 2 to 1 their way... Great competition! Attitudes may have escalated on both sides, depending who was in the winner's circle, but it never gotten any further than a mumble or slick remark. At the end of the night, both camps hold the utmost respect for each... and look forward to the next time we meet. I have been around quite a few years, and wouldn't continue to race a camp that I thought didn't play fairly. Just my 2 cents.... Congrats to QUEEN; she beat my LIL MAMA bitch; no excuses... I can say we didn't have LIL MAMA in the best of shape, but we decided to go along with it. So, no excuses... See you guys next time... and may even be with QUEEN, or one of those other racers.

    From One Friend To Another...

  6. #16
    Yellowjohn If you know your hound isn't in the best of shape and you like to show in the fast lane why not pay forfeit and re-hook...? I'd rather be safe than sorry! If you do it that way it leaves no room for excuses.. Speaking hypothetically I know Pretty is not your hound....

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
    Yellowjohn If you know your hound isn't in the best of shape and you like to show in the fast lane why not pay forfeit and re-hook...? I'd rather be safe than sorry! If you do it that way it leaves no room for excuses.. Speaking hypothetically I know Pretty is not your hound....
    exactly,would make sense,bad management of thee bitch if she wasn't 100% for the show.

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