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Thread: Aftercare products???

  1. #1

    Aftercare products???

    looking to go hunting soon and having problems getting my kit together, I have the book but wanted to know what can I do without and what is extremely necessary for a aftercare kit? also is there an alternative for dex? what if I cant get it? stopping a bleeder? any meds to give before the hunt? in the past I have not been prepared and one situation cost me a very good dog so im trying to avoid any challenges that may occur... Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    anything listed in the book could be necessary, you never know up front.
    betadine shampoo, something to keep the dog warm, a good anti biotic, a staple gun and an IV kit + plenty fluids are easy to obtain for anyone and a must.

    what other meds are you looking for? id send you some dex, if costums dont take them. try to ask fellow hunters for their sources.

  3. #3
    Fluids are a MUST. If you don't have ANYTHING else, you MUST have fluids and IV lines. You need to learn to get your fluids in the vein and not under the skin. If your dog is in bad shape, under the skin is better than nothing, but it's still almost nothing to a dog circling the drain.

    Dex isn't needed near as much as people want to use it, though it can be nice to have.

  4. #4
    Like frosty said if you have to take one item on a hunting trip especially this time of year make sure you have and iv and lines. Seen people with bags but no lines. They go hand in hand. After that i would say something to prevent shock, reduce swelling, staple gun and antibiotics. These are thing i would have on my list of must have items.

  5. #5
    Food or some kind of nutrient rich paste. Feed them as soon as stable. Get that into them before shock, sore mouth, feeling like crap and too tired to eat sets in. That way they aren't going through all that on empty. Mix broth or a K9 electrolyte drink with their food to aid in hydration.

  6. #6
    Thanks guys for the much needed feedback

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Let me know what you want and for a fee, I'll be glad to hook you up. Everything you need is in Jack's book

  9. #9
    Make friends with peeps from the Balkans if you're missing dex, seriously.

  10. #10
    Guys, if you can't get a bottle of Dex for about 12-15$ from your Vet, then you need a new vet. Go find a rural/country vet where there's plenty of Coon, Fox, or Hog hunting going on and you'll find a guy that will give you just about anything you want.

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