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Thread: Accident

  1. #1


    Well I get home today and one of my pups comes running up the hill a mess... I said O shit.... So I go down to the yard and I see his litter mate brother and sister laying lifeless on their chains... these pups just turned 8 months old... :|

  2. #2

    Re: Accident

    sry to hear, what happened??

  3. #3

    Re: Accident

    bad kennel set up is what happened! sorry about your loss :cry:

  4. #4

    Re: Accident

    Dag man, sry to hear, today is not a good day, I just lost two newborn puppies, how ironic is that

  5. #5

    Re: Accident

    No.. I have the dogs chained properly.. I dunno how he slipped his colar? I dont see how he killed both of them? I dunno it's crazy

  6. #6

    Re: Accident

    Quote Originally Posted by JustDogIT
    No.. I have the dogs chained properly.. I dunno how he slipped his colar? I dont see how he killed both of them? I dunno it's crazy
    Because they're chain weight played a MAJOR part in it.

  7. #7

    Re: Accident

    Sorry for your lost bro. Shit happens in bulldogs. Don't beat yourself up. We learn and move on. It's a reason we know what we know. Cause you ain the first. Good luck with him and your program. If your in it long enough it happens.

  8. #8

    Re: Accident

    I plan on raising houds as long as I can Gota love it.. Thanks for all the kind words fellas :!:

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