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Thread: Black & tan boyles dogs

  1. #1

    Black & tan boyles dogs

    Who has any? And where does this color come from?

  2. #2

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

    2800 Kennel's Psycho

    Machobear has thrown a few of the black and Tan dogs. However, I think it's more to do with the Ch.Tonka Bear and Mickels Reba blood than the 1/8 Boyles that he has in his pedigree.

    Mickel's Reba

    Dillinger son of Tonka

  3. #3

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

  4. #4

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs


  5. #5

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs


  6. #6

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

    Chivo and Everett's Buck have the Black and Tan gene behind then. They themselves are behind Cherokee Chief and Oiler.

  7. #7

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

    I always thought it came from the hank blood

  8. #8

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

    I'm no expert, but I know ot's prevalent in the Tonka Bear blood

  9. #9

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

    Yea, with the tonka bear dogs it's normal to get red & tans. I don't know if they get black & tans though

  10. #10

    Re: Black & tan boyles dogs

    Quote Originally Posted by evolutionkennels
    I'm no expert, but I know ot's prevalent in the Tonka Bear blood
    It most definitely common behind tonka and his littermate cremator cause it came out in spikey dogs. In that ped and the Boyles ped Red Baby is the common denominator coupled with the same gene in Long's Tuffy and Baby behind Chivo and Buck. So it's a double shot in the Boyles stuff. Long's Tuff and Baby are also blended into the wildside stuff where black and tan comes out. Farther enough back they have common ancestry in carver blood and corvino.

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