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Thread: Chain Fighters

  1. #11
    I had one that started fighting her chain. I took and old fire hose and ran my chain through it. It helped mine.

  2. #12
    Thanks for the replies fellas. I was gonna try running the chain through a fire house. I just moved him to a smalle chain and he doesn't want to fight with that one.

  3. #13
    The chain fighter/root chewer/digging holes and barking into it at nothing, can really be disheartening. The final type that really does the nerves in, is the dog that constantly attacks it's dog house. Till it's house is up rooted and destroyed. About all any of these dogs end up making is good roll dogs.

    Do not tear up your young dogs in practice. Do not even need a break stick to get said dog loose. A good steady pull and their mouth just slides right off. LOL Cheers

  4. #14
    Great idea on the fire hose.

    Never heard of that.



  5. #15
    Ditto on the fire hose. That bitter apple spray may last longer on the fire hose than the bare chain. Cheers

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