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Thread: Question about filling in peds on my dog???

  1. #1

    Question about filling in peds on my dog???

    I do not want Titles or wins or ROMor por or any colors on my dogs peds. Will I get in trouble if I post the proper breeders and owners and don't put Champion or other titles on my less? I don't like Titles on my dogs especially if they can prove I put it on them. So just letting you mods know I'm not going to do it or I just will stop being a member on here. Not being ugly but I see a lot of bitching over mistakes on peds.but I don't think its a mistake to cover our ass.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ATKJJJ View Post
    I do not want Titles or wins or ROMor por or any colors on my dogs peds. Will I get in trouble if I post the proper breeders and owners and don't put Champion or other titles on my less? I don't like Titles on my dogs especially if they can prove I put it on them. So just letting you mods know I'm not going to do it or I just will stop being a member on here. Not being ugly but I see a lot of bitching over mistakes on peds.but I don't think its a mistake to cover our ass.
    As long as you are not duplicating any pedigrees you are within the rules of the pedigree database. If you own the dog and input them in the database you do not have to include titles. However you can not create a duplicate pedigree of anything just because you don't want a dog with titles in your dogs ancestry.

    Perhaps you could petition Brickface regarding taking away the option to add any titles in the database due to the legal climate in some countries.

    I hope this answers your question.

  3. #3

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