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Thread: Copy of the pitbull bible!

  1. #1

    Copy of the pitbull bible!

    If anyone has an extra copy of the PitBullBible they’re willing to sale inbox me with a price! I only seen one on amazon and they want roughly $1k for the thing with 10 bids! (I’m good on that)
    Also i have a buddy that just remade the complete gamedog (“collectors edition” and he still has copies available) per Ed Faron and they are super nice! That being said if anyone could put me in touch with jack or speak with him on having his book remade and him being behind it please feel free to contact me ASAP!
    Thanks in advance
    Love,peace,and bulldoggin

  2. #2
    You can get the kindle version on Amazon for $50

  3. #3

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