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Thread: Smith's Red Rock -dogs

  1. #1

    Smith's Red Rock -dogs

    Does anyone run this blood?
    I'd like to hear some opinions on this line.

  2. #2
    I do not run the blood but had one bred down out of the Red Rock stuff with Mike's Sundance.

    He was a gift after I got the short end of the stick on a trade.

    He was game, durable, thick hided, rough, with average to above average mouth and zero ability/talent. He'd scratch to a post of it were placed across from him.

    I traded him for a young prospect and not sure if he ever produced afterwards.

    Not much help as it was only one dog from a pretty solid family of dogs.


  3. #3
    Don't know anything about the dogs/blood, but I like the way they're bred!

  4. #4
    some years ago I was on a forum and there was a guy called Bulldog rick
    he used to run that stuff very knowledgeable fella
    there was some guys from the cold north here that build up a nice relationship with him
    they are here on the board hope they respond , they run the cappucina stuff

    anyway this is how it was bred

  5. #5
    Yeah bulldoghistorian, that's me.
    I was just curious to hear opinions from other dogmen who have been working with this bloodline.
    We have one tight female from Rick, she's 39 x Red Rock. Planning to breed her to 'Farm Boss' or 'K.J'. Both are bulldogs.
    There's also two pups off her and 'Crazy Horse/Smiley' -male on our yard.

  6. #6
    Would love to hear more about this blood. I think there are a few people blending this blood with the LG and Hammonds stuff and liking it. Unfortunately I haven't seen a post from NQK for a while but I believe he blended this blood into his core family. Here is an example of the blend I am talking about. I have no first hand knowledge of this family but I'm curious.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Rainman View Post
    Yeah bulldoghistorian, that's me.
    I was just curious to hear opinions from other dogmen who have been working with this bloodline.
    We have one tight female from Rick, she's 39 x Red Rock. Planning to breed her to 'Farm Boss' or 'K.J'. Both are bulldogs.
    There's also two pups off her and 'Crazy Horse/Smiley' -male on our yard.
    lol sorry man didnt recoqnize the name

  8. #8
    Do anybody still have the redrock blood heavy.
    Last edited by MMMK; 05-09-2020 at 11:03 AM. Reason: Words were wrong

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