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Thread: pedigrees

  1. #11
    i love this site and i you guys are awesome but it is hard for me to use it to its full potential when pedigrees are wrong another wrong pedigree is DLC levi whi is really out of six bits black beauty and not black stret hooker. baby is my dogs mother so i know how her parents are bred they are levi and black street hooker and blask street hooker is out of norm and black sister and levi is out of 6bits and black beauty

  2. #12
    would it be possible to get my privelidge back to edit my own dogs

    Moderator Notes:

    Please post a list of the dogs you own that you want to edit.
    Last edited by apeman; 11-27-2017 at 05:37 AM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by bolero View Post
    i love this site and i you guys are awesome but it is hard for me to use it to its full potential when pedigrees are wrong another wrong pedigree is DLC levi whi is really out of six bits black beauty and not black stret hooker. baby is my dogs mother so i know how her parents are bred they are levi and black street hooker and blask street hooker is out of norm and black sister and levi is out of 6bits and black beauty
    so if the peds are wrong post the link so we can fix them, it’s very simple. We are a resource so use us to our full potential instead of creating duplicates and wasting our time doing double, triple, or quadruple the work fixing a mess that could have been resolved once if people followed the correct protocol. We are trying to be efficient and guys volunteer hours of their own time to this community, just a thought.

  4. #14
    This is Amos i have done the research and talked to the right people. Rascal is his sire and the mother clementine was actually a sister to clementine her name escapes me although it might be the dam CYJ posted

    If you are not inclined to change this i will understand i just need it changed so i can properly use the inbreeding coefficient feature

    The other pedigree has already been changed thank you and sorry for making your work harder

  5. #15
    the only dog i need to edit is eli III But i can also not add bulldogs so therefor can not use the test breeding function which i would like to since i paid thirty dollars like everyone else

  6. #16
    Bolero, who owned and did the most breeding's with the Amos dog. Was it Stephenson? Was he the one that sold Amos to Tom Garner. Do you are Apeman have the UKC or ADBA papers showing this Amos dog's real pedigree? If not who is the person all this info is coming from. Hopefully no one that dislikes Tom.

    Tom Garner has been in the dog game a long time. For anyone to accuse him of falsifying papers on a dog he bought and owned. Just on the he said and she said is not the way to correct pedigrees on this site. Stephenson has a pedigree of a sibling brother to Amos named Little Snooty on this site.

    I am sure if Tom Garner knew for sure that Amos was out of J. Crenshaw's Rascal. He would have preferred it over Wood's Snooty. J. Crenshaw's Rascal was a far superior dog to Snooty. IMHO, was never that impressed with Snooty and saw Snooty stand the line against a young, sorry, but well conditioned dog named Watkin's OX. On some sites, maybe here, OX is shown as a Champion. Maybe two dog shows after the real dog show.

    Brick Face and S_B need to weigh in on this before Amos is left as sired by J. Crenshaw's Rascal. Just because Amos is Black and white like Rascal does not make it so. There are black dogs on the dam's side.

    When Cal. Jack let me change Paladin's pedigree. I along with a group of older dog men had took a good long look at Paladin's UKC pedigree. Before Williams had his dog registered with the ADBA. If had not been so, I would never had said anything about it.

    If I am missing something in all this let me know. Best not too start changing old pedigrees because of a he or she said this or that years later. It all is messed enough as it is. Yet if a pedigree can be corrected the right way, it should be done. Cheers

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    Bolero, who owned and did the most breeding's with the Amos dog. Was it Stephenson? Was he the one that sold Amos to Tom Garner. Do you are Apeman have the UKC or ADBA papers showing this Amos dog's real pedigree? If not who is the person all this info is coming from. Hopefully no one that dislikes Tom.

    Tom Garner has been in the dog game a long time. For anyone to accuse him of falsifying papers on a dog he bought and owned. Just on the he said and she said is not the way to correct pedigrees on this site. Stephenson has a pedigree of a sibling brother to Amos named Little Snooty on this site.

    I am sure if Tom Garner knew for sure that Amos was out of J. Crenshaw's Rascal. He would have preferred it over Wood's Snooty. J. Crenshaw's Rascal was a far superior dog to Snooty. IMHO, was never that impressed with Snooty and saw Snooty stand the line against a young, sorry, but well conditioned dog named Watkin's OX. On some sites, maybe here, OX is shown as a Champion. Maybe two dog shows after the real dog show.

    Brick Face and S_B need to weigh in on this before Amos is left as sired by J. Crenshaw's Rascal. Just because Amos is Black and white like Rascal does not make it so. There are black dogs on the dam's side.

    When Cal. Jack let me change Paladin's pedigree. I along with a group of older dog men had took a good long look at Paladin's UKC pedigree. Before Williams had his dog registered with the ADBA. If had not been so, I would never had said anything about it.

    If I am missing something in all this let me know. Best not too start changing old pedigrees because of a he or she said this or that years later. It all is messed enough as it is. Yet if a pedigree can be corrected the right way, it should be done. Cheers
    I agree that no changes should be made on this site based on he say/she say. The ped in question has been a long time dispute with no official evidence to support it.

  8. #18
    If that is the correct facts. Then why has Garner's Amos sire been changed back to J. Crenshaw's Rascal after I put it back to Wood's Snooty. Bolero needs to show some ADBA or UKC proof since he never owned the Garner's Amos dog. Just because the pedigree has been a long time dispute. Is no reason to change that pedigree.

    J. Crenshaw's Honey bunch has been disputed for years. Still disputed over even today. Crenshaw and Holcomb says the Honey Bunch pedigree is correct. That has to be the end of it. Fat Bill or some one else taped E. Crenshaw late in his life saying this or that about certain M. Carver dogs. How they were bred off his yard etc. May very well be true.

    I have never doubted E. Crenshaw's dogs had a big influence on M. Carver's dogs. So did some of Peggy Harper's Am Staff dogs as well. Mr. E. Crenshaw should have years ago been man enough to call Carver out on those breeding's'. Let the ADBA and the UKC know what was going on. To late now,too many years have gone by, the horse is now long gone out of the barn.

    I did a google search besides Tom Garner's site. All pedigree sites show the sire as Wood's Snooty. Was two discrepancy found. One was a (Stephenson's Bullet) besides Garners Amos. Which was a incorrect second name and was no change to the pedigree. Another was Wood's Snooty but the dam was shown as the Clementine dam. Still all had Wood's Snooty as the sire.

    Stephenson's Bullet is shown as off J. Crenshaw's Rascal. Until real pedigree proof has been shown or if Mr. Felton Stephenson is still living and in his right mind. Can write or call Brick Face and verify the Garner's Amos dog's pedigree. No more changes should be made.

    P.S. on those UKC papers of William's Paladin dog. Paladin at that time was a young dog. It was Jack Carver's Satch Mo or Satch Mo Bully on those UKC papers and not Maurice Carver. When I saw that, I asked Vernon that I had never heard of a Jack Carver but only of a Maurice Carver dog man from Texas. He knew Jack Carver since he had lived in Florida a good while before moving to the Beaufort S.C. Cheers
    Last edited by CYJ; 11-27-2017 at 06:17 PM.

  9. #19
    My pedigrees via Fat Bill's Miss Two Eyes show Snooty.

    This is one of those that think we could find some common ground. Since I had better luck with the Snooty dogs over the years I prefer the pedigree as it is listed on this site, as well as other sites. If it is indeed Rascal, then being correct is the weighing factor.

    If the pedigree is changed in the database then there are a ton of coeffiecents that will change in turn.

    I do not have any of the Garner bred dogs but I have seen a few instances where I truly believe where things are truly not as advertised. The kicker is always I have no proof, and other than what I just typed, I give Mr. Garner his props and choose not to disrespect him.

    I am all over the place with this and maybe not helping all that much but I would think it would be better to leave pedigree as it is, and allow a test pedigree to be made with Rascal to see the co-efficients and percentages.

    Like the Paladin pedigree if there is indisputable proof that the Rascal version is true, then accuracy in pedigrees should take priority, and should be made true.

    For me, I would not know where to start to find that indisputable proof.


  10. #20
    the person who said it was rascal was the man that carried his bitch to rascal and the owner of stomper and bolero. does he hate tom garner no but garner sure hates him. it is not just the color of amos it is all the charecteristics of amos along with his offspring and his off springs offspring. when the wife of the man who bred his bitch to rascal to create amos says that amos is sired by rascal and she has no reason to lie since she is not in the dogs i tend to believe that getting ADBA papers will prove nothing considering many of those are false as well. explain to me why jack can change hammers ped with no proof just because it is the pedigree he likes. i also agree with EWO i have no problem making a test pedigree of AMOS. The man who spent his life with these dogs and put blood sweat and tears into that line to me carries more weight than garner who does not even use amos blood. This is not an i hate garner thread but i do believe the man is less the honest and he is a cause of a lot of controversy regarding pedigrees and more than one pedigree is in dispute with that man. he is a business man and a good one but that is all IMHO. Even chinaman who was not bred used or anything to do with tom some how got changed to garners chinaman through treADBA i could write a book on the false pedigrees put out by the man but i wont. I see nothing wrong with making two peds for amos and let the people choose

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