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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by HAMMER49 View Post
    Gr Ch Bledsoe
    Gr Ch Diabla
    Gr Ch Eulogy
    Gr Ch Nikki
    Gr Ch Pyrex
    Ch A.K.
    Ch Ace
    Ch Africano
    Ch Ali
    Ch Black Migo
    Ch Brindle Bug
    Ch Brooklyn
    CH Buck Buck
    Ch Burra
    Ch Cofi
    Ch Danny Boy
    Ch Decepticon
    Ch Fearless
    Ch Fiasco
    Ch Holly
    Ch Jack
    Ch Jancro
    Ch Keisha
    Ch Leonitis
    Ch Loca
    Ch Luckyway
    Ch Moses
    Ch Munchie
    Ch Niki
    Ch Nina
    Ch Pablo
    Ch Pacman
    Ch Shotgun Shorty
    Ch Sissy
    Ch Skywalker
    Ch Stroker
    Ch Sue Mary
    2X Little Red

    Let's be respectful and refrain from using anyones names in reference to an animal.
    this is a LONG list. Anything significant that separates a few of these bulldogs from the rest of the pack?

  2. #12
    Can anyone pm me a ped on K.O.T.R.T’S CH SHOTGUN SHORTY

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Misfit View Post
    Can anyone pm me a ped on K.O.T.R.T’S CH SHOTGUN SHORTY

  4. #14
    Wow I had his litter mate sister, Beba. She was cold as one can be

  5. #15
    To bad we cant get a lite story on each candidate .... Would be sweet as hell tho .if i had to give a vote id vote for moses or buckem .. I have no ties or anything just going off someone elses hearsay lol

  6. #16
    Dam both eulogy and pacman look like great bulldogs

  7. #17
    The only reservation I have, and have always had, is the DOY votes are mostly in the blind. The majority of voters have never seen the dogs, do not know the owners, no idea if the 'stories' are accurate, etc. etc.

    Not to discredit or discount any dog I usually look at the GRCH's first. In theory #'s 3, 4 and 5 should be a bigger deal than #'s 1,2 and 3.

    Since I have not seen the majority of these dogs listed I go to pedigrees and that has absolutely nothing to do with nothing but give the warm fuzzies about casting a vote.

    I would then this year vote for Eulogy. He has 5. He is double bred Amboss on the tops side and El Negro on the bottom. I have in the past seen superb dogs down from both families straight and crossed. It is close to the traditional Bolio/Eli cross as well.

    Maybe that is some 'knowledge by proxy' for Eulogy.

    Again I struggle with voting ad I feel for me, and for the majority, it is a blind vote at best.

    But always a great topic and a big part of the end of the year discussion every year.


  8. #18
    Thank you for the kind words about Eulogy. His owner is a honest, stand up dogman and a personal friend of mine. Not to be bias, but Gr Ch Eulogy deserves the title.

  9. #19
    No doubts. I was trying to emphasize the 'not to discredit or discount'.

    I really like the way he is bred. When the two families are true and then crossed a guy could pretty much trip up, fall down and come back up with a good dog.

    Best of luck to the Eulogy 'family' and good luck on the voting.


  10. #20


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