Originally Posted by
liquid Clavamox and Flagyl every 12 hours with a Cerenia shot once daily at first sign of lethargy or yellow diarrhea and you will never lose a puppy. Experience is key, After countless litters, I can smell the different diseases. Parvo diarrhea is raw. Coccidia is more putrid. I watch my puppy stool daily and if it's runny and dark I hit them with Baycox immediately. If its not solid 12 hours later, I start with the Flagyl and Clavamox dosage every 12 hours. The reason for this is that Baycox will kill Coccidia immediately. If it didn't you can scratch that off the list. Any dogman worth their weight in wet toiet paper shoul have :
Metrondinazole (liquid and pill)
Clavamox (liquid and pill)
Baytril (injectible and pill)
bottle of Cerenia
I agree with the Tamiflu being most effective. That being said, catching it early is the most important factor. Another thing that helps, is to be worm free. The bacteria that live inside the worm only make parvo more lethal.