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Thread: What the #$!! Is wrong with the guys on peds??

  1. #1

    What the #$!! Is wrong with the guys on peds??

    Man I joined that site Honestly just to make a ped because its just a pain in the ass here. Sorry but this game needs the truth. But Honestly guys whats with all the Talk,a dog down now? Look I am the first to admit they some real tards in dogs.
    But to bash a dog because the owners a peddling P.O.S. its just ridiculous.
    I was looking at a dog who we have bred to a few times. Now this dog has,produced Outstanding with our bitches. And we have got winning dogs ,several. Now I cant stand the sumbitch that owns the dog. And Im sure he cant stand me as I gave that f-@(# r a reason to. And Ill do it worse next time! But any how I seen another Bashing this dog calling him a piece of $#!% and how he is a lier because a stupid computer pedigree with POR title.. and Honestly the dang dog probably really is POR especially if you counted the ones from my bitches. And he never will because I wont tell. Ill put unknown on public peds first. But Honestly guys whats with all that bullshit. If you never seen a dog or anything off him (not just one or two dogs neither but really seen dogs from it) how can you really talk shit. Its children type stuff for real..

  2. #2

    You have not entered a single pedigree here. How can you say it's a pain in the ass?

    It is actually much easier to enter data here so long as you're doing it correctly to keep the Admins off your back.

    If you would like I can enter them for you.


  3. #3
    Ditto S_B. I tried to correct some of my own and V.J.'s dog's pedigrees. On the On line Pedigree site. Could never figure out how to correct or even add a pedigree. Tried to contact the administrators etc. Got no replies period. The only time I got a reply from the administrator was when it was time to take my money.

    Entering a pedigree on this site is far easier and much easier to correct. This site moves much slower than that site. Simply because we do not sit on our computers everyday looking for a chance to talk filthy Jive talk at one another. You can tell from what most of those members on that site talk about and too each other. Many have never really worked a dog through a serious keep or a serious dog show.

    Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but Words will never hurt me. Unless you are married and dealing with a conniving Whorish woman. Can we all say (Stormy Daniels). LOL

  4. #4
    Please understand no disrespect to your site. I think that the dogfollk here are much how can I say it without pissin everyone else off well theres some real dog folks on here.
    But I cant follow the site sorry man Im older and didnt have a computer EVER! Ive just figure out the phone. And thats How I look at it. And peds online is just easy for me. No offense.
    I dont really even care to put a ped online but my damn boar bit the fuck out of my hand and I cant hardly write good now. But I usually allways hand write my peds .
    And the bullshit spewed over there is unreal. I aint postin on those fourms EVERYONES got the HARDEST bulldogs in the word. They would just Talk my poor little ol dogs right off the screen. But I am starting to breed some dogs and want my records kept if I get kilt ot what not ya know what Im saying.

  5. #5
    Understood. If you would like dogs added here I'll be happy to add them, I do this for folks all the time.

    I can even transfer the peds over to you once they are added and you will have full control of them.


  6. #6
    Didn’t you use to post on GD all the time? And if I remember correctly you built and sold mills at one point and time!

  7. #7
    The above was asked of ATKJJJ.

  8. #8
    Yes I did sell mills some. And if you also remember I never posted a pic until the last 3 months of posting inline anywhere. And Thats because I didn't have a clue how. I used my shop computer always to bullskate. Until I partner up and was kinda led into this new generation. Until I realized that tbere is no place in dogs for public relations or trying to do favours. I even tried to build cheap mills for folks to be able to half ass give one a fair shake. ANOTHERthing a woman talked me into. Lol. Well hell boys Yall price the cost to build one? I was makin 100 a mill and they would bitch if the fuckin down leg was a little bit shorter than the other. THATS WHAT THOSE Little scews with the washers welded on are for to level it out as needed. Its to run a bulldog on not a Show Harley! There I said it.... ya know stupid un ungreatfull folks. So I culled or sold every damn dog not of my stock and closed the gate. Lol and I just never turned interweb on again untill I come here ,trying to make a ped. And Yes S.B I will get you to help me when I have time. Thank you very much.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ATKJJJ View Post
    Yes I did sell mills some. And if you also remember I never posted a pic until the last 3 months of posting inline anywhere. And Thats because I didn't have a clue how. I used my shop computer always to bullskate. Until I partner up and was kinda led into this new generation. Until I realized that tbere is no place in dogs for public relations or trying to do favours. I even tried to build cheap mills for folks to be able to half ass give one a fair shake. ANOTHERthing a woman talked me into. Lol. Well hell boys Yall price the cost to build one? I was makin 100 a mill and they would bitch if the fuckin down leg was a little bit shorter than the other. THATS WHAT THOSE Little scews with the washers welded on are for to level it out as needed. Its to run a bulldog on not a Show Harley! There I said it.... ya know stupid un ungreatfull folks. So I culled or sold every damn dog not of my stock and closed the gate. Lol and I just never turned interweb on again untill I come here ,trying to make a ped. And Yes S.B I will get you to help me when I have time. Thank you very much.
    Wasn’t trying to ruffle feathers just thought I remembered you so I asked is all. Nothing more to it really!

  10. #10
    Just letting you know why I stopped online. Not because I stopped feeding bulldogs. I still like the dogs just not so much what its starting to come too. Ive seen more lines and Good dogs talked shit about the last few months online just looking. And Trust Me I KNOW the folks talking them down are just repeating lies. Because I seen the dogs through out life. Anyone just learning this lifestyle just remember you dont know shit if you didnt see it. And then even your eyes can lie if you don't know what your looking for. And theres three sides of every thing ! Yall keep scratching!

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