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Thread: Redboy / jocko has made more dead game dogs !

  1. #371
    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    Cotton was bred a couple of times but not as much as he should have been.

    The guy that owned him never really bred any dogs. He kept 8-10-12 dogs that were 'open to the world'. His calling card was conditioning. He won a bunch of matches in the late 70's, 80's and into the early 90's.

    His name is really not out there because he never bred, nor sold dogs. Long term, winning and conditioning dogs is lost to breeding and puppy sales. Dogs that produce and people that breed dogs are what get remembered. A dog's accomplishments get devalued if he does not produce more of the same.

    The guy I talk about is out of the dogs but still in and around the game. I won't call his name in a public forum. Sort of a respect thing.

    Mr. Ozzie Stevens once said his dogs were conditioned as well as any thing he had seen. That was huge statement coming from Mr. Stevens, who is very well one of the greatest shapers ever.

    How was cotton bred. And was this before or after Chavis started focusing on wind?

  2. #372

  3. #373
    One of the best ever.

    The title can read a couple different ways which made it an eye catcher from the start.

    Then the content.

    And then it went south but was way entertaining.


  4. #374
    I haven't reread it but it was certainly entertaining while it was going on lol.

  5. #375
    It started a couple of trades with Jack and myself as well. I meant it would have been a great slogan as it could be read a couple different ways. Great wording.

    That turned into me being on the opposite side than Jack and it went south quick.

    Soon afterwards he gave me the boot.

    But it was indeed a great thread. And to give Jack credit that cat can do some research and post some numbers.

    Entertaining and informative.


  6. #376
    how many guys got banned off this one? lolz

  7. #377
    My getting bumped stemmed from this one but it was a couple of PM's between Jack and myself that got me on the wrong side of the owner/administrator.

    Then after a few PM's where I questioned him being 'all things bulldog' my son finally gave him a reason.

    We play jokes on one another all the time. He had got me with a good one and then walked out of the room while playing an on-line combat game. A SEAL team game I think. So I picked up his head set, pretending to be him, and 'came out as gay' to all his internet cartoon combat friends.

    A day or so later I left the lap top up in this board and he answered questions/posts with 'jack-ass' answers and Jack gave me the boot for 'spamming' his board.

    I sent him a personal e-mail and apologized. In that exchange I think I was suppose to 'bend at the knee' and I did not.

    I got the boot.


  8. #378
    Might of been the greatest thread ever.

  9. #379

  10. #380
    where do cottingham dogs fit into this. Just game or game and talent? Is Waccamaw still on here?

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