How are you guys handling this. I ask this for the following reason. I have a male and I have a friend that wants to breed to her. I have my reservations about the breeding more on a bloodline, traits and priorities reason. But money is money. His female is coming into season and he wants to do the breeding. A mutual friend told me more information about the female, which seemed like red flags to me. She's two. On her first breeding she was bred back to her father and the breeding didn't take. The second breeding to another male produced one pup, which was weak and died. The second friend had another female that had a uterine prolapse. There are usually strays roaming these neighborhoods. Plus I'm sure these dogs never see a vet. My concern is Brucellosis. I'm making a policy with my team of dogs to AI any breeding to a female outside of us. My dogs are inside usually as difficult as that is at times. Have you all dealt with Brucellosis? There is someone with a stud that I was looking to breed to. Are tests routinely performed on these dogs. Do they usually breed the old fashioned way or are vets involved. Its seems a high status male would be the perfect vector to inject brucellosis into females. Also I have told my friend we need to get serious about eradicating the strays around their dogs to limit their damage as disease vectors.