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Thread: What Bloodline Cross Do You Think Has Overall Had The Biggest Impact In The Sport ?

  1. #11
    Had good returns on that Cottingham x Eli stuff also

  2. #12
    One of the best old time crosses were the Tudor's Dibo etc. bloodline to the last strain of those Lightner bred dogs. Not the red nose Lightner strain, but that last family of Lightner dogs. Many were of a brindle color, smaller dogs on the Bull Terrier type build. With lappy pointed ears. There was a famous match between the red nose and black nose strains. The show lasted a long time,with both dogs showing deep gamness.

    George Saddler/ Kinard/ E. Crenshaw etc. had some of it. Some of the older Carver dogs carried that cross. Most of it ended up down Mexico way. I had read that the Mexican families. That kept those older Carver bloodlines going. Will not sell any of that old stock or breed outside their yards.

    E. Skinner/Dean Plemmons made a two and three way cross to Cotton's Bullet. Using the Lightner red nose variety, the little brindle Lightner variety with great success. The red nose variety Plemmons had came direct from Mr. Hemphill.

    Some of the best dogs and producing dogs, bred off Loposay's dog yard. Were off Loposay's Beanie. A little brood bitch bred off Mr. E. Skinner's dog yard. A Cotton's Bullet X Lightner cross. Mr. Ed Crenshaw ended up with one of those dogs, that he and Kinard called E.Crenshaw's Sad Sack. The rest of those dogs were campaigned by Mr. Howard Teal. Winning and making two champions.

    The Tragedy of all this, is right before Mr. E. Skinner moved from N.C. to Charleston S.C. Was a major flood on the creek system and land he owned. The majority of these dogs were drowned. The only one I remembered was his Santo brood bitch. Santo was a black/black eyed monster. Santo was bred to my Carver/Creel bred, Young's Chuck before I owned Chuck. Do not know what happen to those pups.

    Scotty Todd a dog man from N.C. and knowing all the dog man in that State. Located and bought one of the last of those brindle lappy eared Lightner dogs. Tar Heel Matt of Panther fame had two of those older bred Lightner dogs. A Brother/ Sister. Both dogs by that time were way to old to breed. I sadly had to pass on them

    Scotty called his female dog Mousy. Mousy was also bed to my Chuck dog. I only saw two of those dogs. The two I saw were buckskin/black face mask with the lappy years. Once I showed a lot of interest, the young dogs were moved around and saw none of them again. Cheers
    Last edited by CYJ; 02-15-2020 at 08:37 PM. Reason: addition

  3. #13
    is medlins outlaw redboy considered a cross or loose family breeding.

  4. #14
    I would say a cross. I am of the belief the Outlaw breeding is more correct than Red Boy's advertised breeding.

    But if we go on the papers it is more of a family breeding down off of Jeff.


  5. #15
    Ditto EWO, Mr. Medlin registered his dogs and was honest about his breeding's. You know more about those Red Boy/Medlin crosses. Sure some of the dogs were very game show winners. Will always remember Mr. Medlin as a fine gentleman type with his fancy bow ties. Cheers

  6. #16
    The Carver-Boudeaux,Carver-Ed Crenshaw,Patrick's Bolio-Carver-Clouse bloodlines have had a major impact. Then there is the various Red Boy-Jocko crosses. All have produced many great show dogs. Cheers

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