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Thread: Stidham dogs

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    Frank43, I am not much at writing and have poor English skills. Yet it does not hurt to use some spacing of your paragraphs. Instead of running all your comments into one continued line of words.

    Will do sometimes I get excited talking about this.

  3. #13
    Again, this is more in CYJ' wheelhouse but here goes....

    Some believe the Stidham/Crebbs version of Red Boy because one of the more prolific 'clicks' of all time was when the Red Boy family was introduced to the Jocko family. Basically the Stidham family top and bottom of the Rast's Queenie dog.

    The theory is you pretty much end up with 3/4 Stidham/Crebbs dogs with Mr. VJ's Hank dog being the out. So these dogs were bred to perform.

    Then when they went to the brood pen that 3/4 consistently reproduced itself over time. Basically creating a new family in the dogs.

    If one went with any of the other Red Boy versions, then the original Jocko-Red Boy dogs would have performed but it would have been a lot of different dogs in there and 'scatterbred' would come to mind. Not often will scatterbred dogs produce as well as the Jocko-Red Boy dogs, which later became Red Boy Jocko as the Red Boy fame balloned.

    With this post an $1.25 you would be short on a soft drink or cup of coffee. Pretty much meaningless now. But great conversation.


  4. #14
    Ditto EWO. The dam of Red Boy and where Red Boy and Red Boy's litter were born was in Florence S.C. I got to see all of those dogs. Owned for awhile one of Red Boy's litter mates. Was a tiger brindle named Bouncer, and was a game acting dog.

    One of the gamest of those dogs was one that was a smaller looking version of Red Boy. This dog was owned by a Mr. Linsey, in Hartsville S.C. This dog had loose it's collar and gotten hold of a next door neighbor's pet dog. Mr. Linsey had no break stick, and too quickly get his dog off this yard dog. Mr. Linsey hit his dog in the back of the head near the spine with a coke bottle. If I remember correctly. His dog was knocked out cold. In the days that passed this litter mate to Red Boy went stone blind.

    I saw this dog rolled more than one occasion in this condition and never failed to scratch like a freight train. If missed the other dog, would smell for the other dog and take hold. If my memory serves me right, all of the males in Red Boy's litter showed to be game acting, rough and tumble type dogs. Miles owned I believe the only female and was a black female. Was a cold bitch at two years old and Miles put her down. Probably a bad mistake, this female should have been bred at least one time.

    IMHO, It has always been that the Red Nose Red Dog that was in the back of a pick up truck that drove up to the gas pumps at Mr. Teal's Restaurant.. That Mr. Teal either bought or borrowed and was the sire of Red Boy and it's litter mates.

    Some thought Teal's Tip, some thought Red Devil bred dog etc. With this new information and thoughts. I am now inclined to believe that Red Boy's sire was a Calvin Crebbs/Stidham bred dog. That would make all the sense in the world how the Red Boy blood nicked with the Jocko/Mayfield Lightning etc. dogs.

    Now the rest of the story is this. Right before Mr. Gainey quit the dogs. He had really refined his Red Boy/Jocko dogs. A yard of great looking, powerful, big boned, twice as big for their weight type dogs. As I looked over his dogs. I turned to Mr. Gainey and told him. Mr. Gainey I believe you have brought back to life and resurrected the ole Jim Williams Lightner/Dibo dogs. Cheers
    Last edited by CYJ; 04-23-2020 at 09:19 PM.

  5. #15
    I would like to add that Katie Marlowe's son Bo was coming to our Church for awhile. Bo's daughter was good friends with my Pastor's daughter. I asked Bo if he could set up a time and place to meet with Katie. I wanted to ask her about this very subject. Sadly he told me he and his mom had a falling out about something or the other. This was about two years ago now.

    Katie told me a good many years back during a visit. That she was planning to post Red Boy's corrected pedigree. At that time she had started a dog registry. She was in a good mood that day. Just as I was going to ask her some more about this issue. A renter drove up to look at one of her rental mobile homes.

    After that she did not bring it back up and I did not ask any more about it. Cheers
    Last edited by CYJ; 05-03-2020 at 10:56 PM. Reason: correction

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