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Thread: New YouTube Channel

  1. #11
    I need to check out ordering a case of cow cheek and see the cost comparison where I live, great idea! I fed CA JACK Eco Raw Diet before and liked the results on that. I am thinking about trying that again in the winter since it contains carbs and I can load up the fat AKA Lard since I wont be working dogs, but we will have to see. I also don't think you are a horrible owner for feeding kibble or dry at least you are feeding and taking care of your dogs. I have neighbors around where I live who I swear seldom feed their dogs so not trying to discredit or put anyone down that feeds kibble or dry.

    When you say water first what does that mean on a raw diet? Because as my dogs are fed raw, they barely touch the water bowl. I add 1 cup of water with the raw to help with digestion and thats how I measure their extra water intake especially after workout. I can add or subtract that 1 cup depending on the moisture count on skin but usually they stay very hydrated so if you could expand on that, that would be great.

    I also agree that they need high percentage of FAT, but how can you actually figure out when to bump the fat content on the diet especially feeding raw? Where it is a-lot harder to calculate grams of fat vs a 1 cup of 30/20? Would that be when the dog reaches a peak condition that you know and starts to decline aka lose muscle mass vs fat, you would then bump up the fat to compensate the workload? If so I don't think most APBT will reach that point working for any ADBA Sports or Competitions. In extreme cases I can understand a bump and I have feed an Ice Cream Scoop of Lard to compensate and saw great results with that as well.

    No need to worry about hijacking this thread, this website is pretty slow anyway I don't mind talking or having conversations about conditioning or my videos.

    Keep the ideas coming EW.

  2. #12
    I buy the cow cheek at Wal Mart as it is the only place that carries it our area. I would imagine it can be bought by the case there as well.

    In performing dogs water content is usually the first thing that leads to running hot. Either the water content was missed under and the dog is dehydrated or it is missed over and the dog is deemed 'wet'. It is a very fine line between dehydrated to hydrated to over hydrated.

    On a raw diet the dog will not normally visit the water bowl as much because raw vs. dry has a double effect depending on what plan is being used. The raw food has far more moisture content and does not take hardly any moisture from the dog to support digestion. Dry food draws moisture from the dog.

    The best example would be to get two bowls of water. Add a handful or dry food and a handful of raw meat. The dry food will absorb more that its weight in water, swelling and then turning to much. It takes pretty much that amount of water for the food to pass, then they need even more water to hydrate.

    When dogs run hot, in my experience, water content is the first suspect.

    I add the fat gradually over time prior to work getting started. I let the stool dictate what is enough and what is too much. If the stool gets loose I back off or plane off and allow the stool to get right before the next adjustment.

    Once the dog has been acclimated to a high fat content diet (usually 8-10 weeks) and the work starts, there can even be more increases in fat content per meal as the keep progresses.


  3. #13

    This is Dabo as a young puppy. It is never too early to start the young dogs. They think they are playing a game but in reality you are laying the foundation of becoming a hard worker.

    Due to a sickness and time away from the dogs I now own my first crop of young dogs who did not learn valuable life skills as a young puppy. Most of my dogs start on a mill as early as 8 weeks, not necessarily workiing/turning the mill, but just learning it is not as God awful as it seems.

    I also like this type of pole vs. the ones with a length of rope between the 'hide' and the pole. I feel like I have better control, keep it closer to the face of the dog and can give the dog a broader/longer run before changing directions. It is what I prefer mostly because I can make them for a couple-three dollars a piece (LOL).

    This puppy is off lead and the yard is fenced in so he can't really go anywhere if distracted.

    Really envious of your set up and your dogs and your ability to work the dogs off lead.

    I just know I would be chasing one of mine across the county or to the first furry thing he could grab.

    Somewhat jealous.


  4. #14
    Yeah, I have had bad luck getting dogs at an older age. From this day forward I will only take on puppies that are 8 weeks of age. The imprinting I do is too crucial for success for my goals with the dogs. I take advantage of the public hunting land around where I live and run dogs/work dogs in these areas. I have had a few close calls etc with other hunters and hunting dogs especially bird dogs/coon dogs but never anything serious usually you can tell if someone is in the area if you see a vehicle parked. I watched your video and cannot wait to raise this upcoming litter and document the process of taking a pup to full blown ADBA Conformation Champion on my YouTube Channel.

  5. #15
    Good luck.

    Look forward to the videos/conversation.


  6. #16
    A good thread, thanks for posting all the info. I wish I could watch the videos but I am not set up to watch videos… still in the stone age here, LOL.

    For adding fat to a dog's diet I have had good luck with raw chicken necks with the fatty skin on them (unfortunately one store now has de-skinned necks), full fat cottage cheese, and those Satin Balls also have a goodly content of fat.

    I have had pretty good results with feeding kibble supplemented with raw but this is a maintaince diet since I am only keeping one dog right now and she's not really being worked hard. Just daily exercise to keep her happy and in shape. With other dogs I have found some do better with more raw and some with more kibble. I also add canned jack mackerel when I had it.
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  7. #17
    What happened to the YouTube channel? Seems it’s gone.

  8. #18
    I took it down. It came with a lot of bs. A lot of newbies constantly asking me questions I just got tired of dealing with the people and reiterating the same basic concepts.

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