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Thread: Redboy / jocko has made more dead game dogs !

  1. #391
    with who is the prob. one per side with a ref doesn't interest too many people

  2. #392
    and why can't the journal come back?

  3. #393
    Can the journal be separated into two magazines.

  4. #394
    This is an incredible thread. Definitely worth re-reading. I'm sorry about the fireworks, though: both Sonny & Jack were & are great dogmen, & neophytes (like me) can sure learn tons from them, even on here. The tragic thing is I truly believe it all started over a misunderstanding between them about what was being claimed! As EWO stated, the title can read a couple different ways, & maybe they were looking past each other, I don't know. I do know poor EWO, one of the finest contributors on this site imo, very informative, got caught up in the backwash & got the boot for awhile...crazy!

    In any case, lotta good information here regardless of the side roads, lots to think about, & thanks to everybody that contributed.

  5. #395
    Old post that was very interesting.. I believe what Wac was referring to the first generation Red Boy/Jocko bred by Mr. D. Green, which were straight out destroyers!! The second wave from Fletcher were not as heavy Jocko as Mr. Greens batch. But just as devastating with heart!

    Mr.Green was a great breeder and had equally good dogs.

    I have seen a few off the original blood. There was a reason they were popular years prior.

    With the Wac line they didn't start letting their blood out until the late ninties early two thousand. With that being noted.. Many ruined the dogs early and then cried

  6. #396
    Yep, in just a few days I got the boot for 'basically not taking sides' as the statement would be a world class marketing claim. Either there were more RBJ dogs that were dead game or they were such destroyers they made other game dogs dead. I am not sure a bulldog customer could be drawn in any better.

    That was my point. And I think I clearly stated I could not care any less about which side would prevail or should prevail and that pissed Jack off. The 'you are with me or against me approach'.

    Within a day or so someone or Jack brought back up the 87% game claim and I questioned what were the factors being used. He then gave me the standard more winners, more champions, than anyone else claim. And I replied that if every one is a 'fuck-tard' like you say how do you make all them puppies and get them onto the yards where 9 out of 10 do all the right things? So 87% is feasible if you get to blame the quitters on the people who bought/raised them. So he blasted me pretty hard because I said he was simply better at copying and pasting than me, and that the majority of his book was copy and paste from someone else (great book, maybe even the best as it was current but I mentioned we were building one sheet dog boxes in the 70's before he even new what a bulldog was).

    The final straw was funny to me but he did not see the humor in it. My son and I play crude jokes on each other til this day. He left his game system on and I picked up the head set and acted like I was him and came out gay to all his friends. My son was pissed as he had to listen see all the gay bashing coming his way via the XBox crowd.

    A day or so later I left the lap top up and he made stupid comments on several posts, especially Jack's. My favorite was someone applauded Jack on the great look of a dog he posted and Jack responded with the high end quality of his photography equipment and of course his superior skills.

    My son commented under my name and said, "Great canine photography is easy when neither the dog nor the lenses has ever been scratched".

    From there, I had 'spammed' his board and got the boot.

    I apologized to the board to no avail and I was banned til Brick got the site.

    I would still rank this thread with one of the top two or three in any of the forums.

    And to the ones that want to see those first generation Jocko Red Boy dogs from Waccamaw look for the Chicora II blood. She is turning back time.


  7. #397
    My son commented under my name and said, "Great canine photography is easy when neither the dog nor the lenses has ever been scratched".

    From there, I had 'spammed' his board and got the boot.

    I apologized to the board to no avail and I was banned til Brick got the site.
    Glad you're back. You help make this place very interesting and helpful and informative.

  8. #398
    Quote Originally Posted by STA8541 View Post
    Glad you're back. You help make this place very interesting and helpful and informative.
    Yes, EWO you have made some excellent posts. Hard to believe the site has been here 10 yrs now. It's a bit quiet here at times but none of the trash talk etc of other places.

    This is a good thread, like many others. These older threads tend to slide down over time and unless they are bumped up they get missed. Maybe some of the better threads could be made a "sticky" at the top of the page so they are easier to find?

    Glad you are back EWO, you and CYJ really make this board a good one!
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

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