I would encourage all to read my last post to Self and to all of us. The real dog men I knew told me that these dogs are not bred for pets and best kept from the general public.

Where not to be bred for any type of so-called Guard/Working dog attributes. Once the overall gaminess is lost are as dangerous as a Rottweiler/Doberman/German Shepard/AmStaff/English Bull terrier. etc.

Keep John Q public/Gamblers/Drug dealers/hen pecked husbands/ and thrill seekers from around you. Some did not approve of the dog magazines or attending multi dog shows.

Those over the years abiding by this advice have managed to survive. Some moving to other countries. Yet even then it still can be very nerve wracking as the hunt is always on. Be careful who you talk to and never drop your guard. Something does not sound right or feel right 99.9% that will be the case. Cheers CYJ