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Thread: RIP Carl Mims

  1. #1

    RIP Carl Mims

    Mr. Carl Mims passed on 3/6/2023.

    Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.

    I am a bit biased, and don't know everything, but I think he will go down as the greatest breeder of game dogs ever.

    EWO II

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4
    This is sad. Duhon died recently also. I hope someone is showing the younger generation how to keep the breed going. Only recently did I learn how much skill it takes to successfully breed good dogs. I hope he taught someone up there and the line lives. Most aren’t focused on building families. More stacking titles. No real plan or persistence on one thing. Rest in peace.

  5. #5
    Another great dog man and breeder of the Red Boy line and Red Boy/Carver/Patrick/etc. crosses. Katie Marlowe told me years back that Maurice Carver called her and inquired about her Red Boy dog. Mr. Mims proved it out in his breeding of those various crosses.

    My condolences to his family. CYJ

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Rest in peace Mr mims. Never met you always seen your blood go out and prove it. My brother spoke highly of your dogs and the cottingham dogs. Will cross with my mayday blood

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