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Thread: Who is Hughes and Holcomb?

  1. #41

    This is one of the couple three dogs off Kasai that did not get the mouth. Double bred Medlin's Charlie on the bottom, and of the Red Boy/Medlin type strains these dogs could bite. All the dogs in this litter but one made it to the show. One female was deemed a brood dog from the git go. Another collected a forfeit and paid a forfeit then won one off the chain.

    This dog made the gamest scratch I have ever seen. He won one legit and I was talked into counting the 1st one.

    He was hooked at 37 and the guy paid the forfeit on the Monday or Tuesday before the show. I fed him back up over the next couple of days. On Friday another 37 show got cancelled and I got a call. I had just fed him and he was well over the 37 mark. I told them I would weigh him on Saturday morning and see how much he weighed. He was a hair under 40 and then took two pretty good dumps. I weighed him that afternoon and he was 39 even, maybe an ounce over. They wanted to do it anyway and I did not. I did not see the point of getting the two pounds and then listen to that as the excuse afterwards.

    We ended up doing it and I got nearly 2 pounds. It was over early but took about 20 more minutes for it to be officially over.

    I never intended to count it as a W but in time I considered it a W nonetheless.

    Just a couple of the Bolio-Red Boy we played with some years back.


  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    The Bolio-Red Boy combination is age old.

    When Patrick's Kasai was crossed onto the Mims family the heavier the Red Boy on the Mims side the better. Somewhere the shot of Snooty gave it some boost as well.

    Kasai thru freak strong pound for pound dogs. 37-40lbs on the lead felt like a 60-70lb dog dragging you down the road.

    They cut weight better than any family of dog I have ever seen. They could be pulled to nothing and maintained that type of pound for pound strength.

    The funniest, and maybe the oddest, is that Patrick's Kasai threw a boat load of mouth. If the female could bite a little bit, the offspring could flat shut it down.

    Crossed to the Mims females the dogs could bite and breathe with the best of them and muscle their way in if their talent did not get them there.

    Nice families.

    I was talking the other day to someone about this. I don’t know if you get kennel blind. Or you see a certain portion of dogs a kennel has that you want to focus on and mix to your taste. I have someone I discuss breeding theories with. I would rather not name them. I had a female that sounds like Kasai. She was pound for pound strong. Her mother was too. She approached things with a plan. Like a boxer working off a jab. Get control. Manage the distantance. Close the show. Due to some unfortunate events maybe stupidity I lost her. I still have her mother and brothers. Hopefully I can bring her back. I think there is a mix within the family. It’s bringing out the body style and plan of action I like. I feel like these Redboy family bolio tombstone crosses are a universe. Within it is a subfamily than can be built off dogs that I like to work how I like.

  3. #43

    Sometimes re-creating something from the past is really hard to do. This is the first breeding between Damien and Holly.

    Damien was owned by a guy who would not have a Red Boy dog, not have one period. He had a yard full of rough ass game Eli bred type dogs and they could all bite. He was hard on the dogs and although I think he put some good ones down along the way...if it was on his yard and two years old it was just as good and as known game as any other. Tough place to hold down a spot.

    Holly had a brother Ch Charlie (4XW). He was maybe the best dog I had ever seen. The owner of Damien saw him and was really impressed, even if he was 50% Red Boy. Then he saw the sister Polly (2XW) and she was not as talented as Charlie but she was all the more determined. I felt like she got the short end of the stick on show night. We all pooled together, everyone had a vote, but the actual owner made the final call. I voted to move on to a better situation. The owner went with it and she proved she had the heart to overcome.

    Holly had the heart of a champion as well and the decision was made to cross the two families.

    There were 7 pups in the litter and six went to the show with a 1st time out record of 6-0 for the six. Doorstop was #7 but he ended his career early with bad habits. He was flat teethed by 16-18 months and was down to the gums by 2 years old. All being said, he may have been the best in the litter except he did nothing of record but stop other dogs. No W's.

    The owners of the other six asked for a repeat breeding as the first litter was doing really well at the time. Holly came in heat, the breeding was done and I think it was four or maybe five.

    Average run of the mill later. I think there was one winner, a couple three curs and a couple three game plugs.

    I think you have to pick some traits from the past and add them to the new dog-going forward.

    If picturing the new dog as the old dog in hoped of recreating-I think there is a lot of room for disappointment.

    Good luck.


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