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Thread: California Jack’s Magazine

  1. #1

    California Jack’s Magazine

    Does anyone have any copies of Jack’s old Pit Bull Revelations?

  2. #2
    State Farm, I am not aware of any dog magazine Jack put out. He may have though. He did print a limited-edition book on Hollingsworth's dogs etc. Were about 500 numbered books printed.

    I believe he did print a book for beginners etc. on the care and keep on the A.P.B.T. dogs. Included various type feed keeps, exercise methods, building pens etc. Was very informative. Those books may have been printed in a limited number. Cheers

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    State Farm, I am not aware of any dog magazine Jack put out. He may have though. He did print a limited-edition book on Hollingsworth's dogs etc. Were about 500 numbered books printed.

    I believe he did print a book for beginners etc. on the care and keep on the A.P.B.T. dogs. Included various type feed keeps, exercise methods, building pens etc. Was very informative. Those books may have been printed in a limited number. Cheers

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by State Bull View Post
    Does anyone have any copies of Jack’s old Pit Bull Revelations?
    Yeah he did that magazine yrs ago. I have copies but I'm in the middle of moving and have no clue where they are. Later he did the Tips book, and the Healthy Bulldog magazine, then his Pit Bull Bible book and the Hollingsworth book. The Hollingsworth book was printed in a color limited edition but also a cheaper black and white printing. He touted the limited book as only 500 copies but I'm pretty sure he printed/sold more than 500 copies...
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  6. #6
    If you find the one that he did the interview with Waccamaw, I’d like a copy of that one..

  7. #7
    I had all the copies off Jacks magazine years ago, I got rid of them along with the SDJ in 07

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