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Thread: Half a Century and still scratching

  1. #1

    Half a Century and still scratching

    You know they say it's not how great you are sometimes but how steady you roll all the time.
    It's about being consistent. About sticking with what works. The whole world has changed over the decades and so have the dogs to some degree but people who have dogs that shined in a good light for them they rarely discard them for others that come along.
    They may add to what they feed but not get rid of everything and start all over with new dogs from new bloodlines.
    The concepts, the people and even the dogs. In fact, the only thing that stays consistent with time is change.
    They come and they go as they say when it comes to key dogs and breeders but they good ones keep going.
    What's meant by that is that you don't have to jump back and forth from family -family or dog to dog each and every year.
    If the dogs or bloodline is as good as they say they will still be around years from now when you actually need an out cross.
    I find it sad how allot of good dogs and families of dogs have all but disappeared in allot of cases do to mislead and miseducation of bloodlines and breeding. You know once some are gone, they are gone for good.
    Allot of true history has been lost in the last 1/2 a century and if not careful the next 1/2 century dogs will be not even a shadow of what once was.

    It's not about being the best of your time nor is it about being the best.

    If you want to know who was the best than wait until all of the dust has settled and see who the last one is still standing.

    If you like what you feed, then just stick with them. How they are bred and who they come from is never as important as how are you going to breed them and who you will let get them from you down the road.

    It's not quite 50 years yet but it is 49 years with the breed.

  2. #2
    I appreciate looking at your pedigrees, beautiful stuff

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BRICKFACE View Post
    I appreciate looking at your pedigrees, beautiful stuff
    I thank you Sir.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BRICKFACE View Post
    I appreciate looking at your pedigrees, beautiful stuff
    yes they are

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