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Thread: schooling a bitch in heat?

  1. #11

    Re: schooling a bitch in heat?

    Quote Originally Posted by Earl Tudor
    Your point is well taken, as many a bitch won't even stand for male when in heat, even when ALL her hormones are telling her to do so!!!
    This is true.

    However, even bitches that "won't stand for a male" while in heat ... if allowed to go ... will sometimes get squirrely in the middle of brawling. I rolled my Zipper bitch once, and she was normally a helluva head dog. After about :05 she started letting go of her opponent and "bumping" her with her butt, and I thought, "WTF is this?"

    So I brought her back to the corner and Zipper was screaming with rage to get back ... and so I let her go, and she started acting funny again, and (sure enough) I saw her big, sloppy cooter and realized she was in full-blown heat. She never acted like that either before, or after, that lil roll.

    Point being, even though Zipper was "screaming mad" in the corner, and even though she took hold and did her thing, she was definitely "off" in her hormones. Her letting go wasn't any kind of quit IMO, because she couldn't have gone more apeshit to get back when held in the corner, nor could she have deafened my ears by screaming any louder for more, it was just that she was a little "screwy" (literally ), because of being in heat. It made her want to screw as much as she wanted to brawl.

    But I have also had other bitches (Red Sonja) that hated any form of "hair moving" ... in heat or not in heat ... and never missed a beat (even when in heat).


  2. #12

    Re: schooling a bitch in heat?

    Bitch might cramp up, or just be thinking about gettin laid.. best to wait it out

  3. #13

    Re: schooling a bitch in heat?

    Dont school a bitch in heat because that tend to be submissive and will make u think they are a cur when in fact they are not that's the way they nature intended especially in breeding season the male and female tend to b bait more nicer to other dogs

  4. #14

    Re: schooling a bitch in heat?

    Dogger, dogs (males or females) are individuals. Not all females in heat are submissive. Obviously, if you attempt to do so and the female is submissive, then you know it's not going any further. You simply can't lump all dogs together simply because it's something that is believed without any real basis.

  5. #15

    Re: schooling a bitch in heat?

    Evolution is right it would be crazy to try a dog in heat with all the activity of her hormones not to mention blood loss. It just wouldn't be fair to the animal. One of my mentors once told me "the owner has to be smarter than the dog"

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