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Thread: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

  1. #31

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    I believe that's as honest as it can get. I salute and thank you for serving our country and being man enough to come on the forum and give your side first hand. The relationship between you and EVO is all that matters in the end. What ever the public (myself included) "thinks,"ultimately, does not matter nor should it impact the relationship.

    And lastly--everyone--can talk, but when staring down a barrell...all bets are off and life is the wager!

    Good luck to you and all that you set out to do in life Soldier.

    Quote Originally Posted by tirofijo04
    To all,

    I am the person who Pova was stolen from. I have read every single post and sat back and thought for a second. I will answer all the questions.
    I have worked my share of dogs and Evo, knows this. I have never had to carry a gun while walking in memorial park. I have had more dogs entrusted to me not only by Evo but others who I will not mention. And I have never had an issue. I had several champions and GrCh entrusted to me and the all the owners will tell you they got their dogs back the exact same way I got them.

    1. Where was my wallet?
    My wallet was in my vehicle, along with my phone and keys, I always leave all my belongings in the vehicle when I work dogs. And like Evo said the car is not worth much, I would have rather gave them my keys than for them to take Pova.

    2. Why was I out there at such hour on a winter night?
    First of all Houston does not have the same weather some of you have to deal with up north, I choose to work dogs this late because is only time I have.

    3. Why would they take a dog that does not look like a typical bulldog?
    Gents, this is a random act, I have no idea why they did, and the dog was by far the last thing I figure he would ask for.

    4. Why didn't I do anything to prevent this?
    I am not sure how many or if any of you have ever had a weapon point or fired at you, the fact that they pulled a weapon out on me didn't scare me, like Evo said I did 2 tours March 02- Nov 04 in Afghanistan but I was not going to get confrontational with someone with a gun and me with no weapon.

    Everyone here is entitled to their opinion and can even play detectives and try to come up with their own theories, but things do happen and sometimes there is not answer to them..

  2. #32

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Very nice sentiments, but he's not a soldier.....he is a Marine!

  3. #33

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Although I meant Soldier in the verb sense, as in persevere, move forward, carrying on doggedly (the common phrase "soldier on"), you are right, the noun use of Soldier he is not, and nonetheless he is a Marine!

  4. #34

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Oh I was just throwing out more convo. I have a few Marines in my family and have been corrected on this topic more than once. AND, nice attempt to rebound with the whole verb usage angle, but you did use the word soldier as a noun.

    YUCK - we sound like nerds. I'm done!

  5. #35

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Nerdy indeed...Point taken.

  6. #36

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Once a Marine...Always a Marine!!!! U.S.M.C. Uncle Sams Misguided Children!!!!!! 2/8 Marines Camp Lejeune N.C.!!! 94'-98' You'll get that gyp back I'm sure!!

  7. #37

    Re: Sharapova stolen at GUNPOINT last night at 1 AM

    Death Before Dishonor. Okie- P.I. AUG. 03- Sept. 07. hope you get the bitch back

  8. #38
    First off, that is a beautiful bitch and I am sorry she was taken.

    Have you looked in all the local animal shelters? Don't just call them on the phone, it's better to take the time to go there every few days and ask and walk thru the kennels.

    Can you print her photo and take it around and ask and see if you have any luck finding her that way. Just calling often does not work, you would need to go look.

    You might write up a flyer with her photo on it and call her a “pit bull mix family pet” and offer a reward for her return or for information on her whereabouts.

    If you print up flyers, why not post them around the area she was taken? And ask the local kids in that area for info, kids wander all over and often know a lot about who’s got a new dog.

    How about Craigslist? Why not put an ad there, for “lost dog” and put her photo and info there too.

    With flyers and ads, I’d certainly call her a “pit bull mix” and a family pet with a reward offered, as this might bring in some leads to finding her.

    Good luck and I hope you get her back….
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

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