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Thread: Pregnant Female Coat Change

  1. #1

    Pregnant Female Coat Change

    Has anyone experienced their pregnant female coat color changing?

    I bred one of mine 4 weeks ago, but I noticed 2 weeks ago that he coat around the shoulders and rump were getting significantly lighter. She is normally a darker shade of chocolate, and now those areas have turned light brown/dark tan almost. I am not 100% sure she is pregnant. Her nipples have dropped a bit and are larger than I could claim to be normal.

    Got her on a raw diet, supplementing with Bitch Pills. Haven't included any oils and wondering if that could be the reason for the drastic coat change in those areas.

    Just wanted to hear about some experiences. Thanks!

  2. #2
    It could be hormonal due to pregnancy but whether she is pregnant or not, she should be getting oils while on a raw diet.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by act284 View Post
    Has anyone experienced their pregnant female coat color changing?

    I bred one of mine 4 weeks ago, but I noticed 2 weeks ago that he coat around the shoulders and rump were getting significantly lighter. She is normally a darker shade of chocolate, and now those areas have turned light brown/dark tan almost. I am not 100% sure she is pregnant. Her nipples have dropped a bit and are larger than I could claim to be normal.

    Got her on a raw diet, supplementing with Bitch Pills. Haven't included any oils and wondering if that could be the reason for the drastic coat change in those areas.

    Just wanted to hear about some experiences. Thanks!

    Can you be more specific as to what kind of "raw diet" you're giving her?

    The variations are endless, and some raw diets are terrible and incomplete.


  4. #4
    raw diet consists of:

    quarter leg chicken
    veggie/fruit pulp mix
    1/2 vitamin tab
    plain yogurt
    bitch pills

    soft boiled egg
    fish oil

    strangely she's also been having diarrhea lately...make me wonder if my meat is overdue...I've been stocking up enough that it might take 4-6 weeks before I get through to my last bag

  5. #5
    Your problem is you are feeding an incomplete diet.

    Eggs should not be "occasionally," they should be every day.

    Rice is just a filler and unnecessary. Although I list rice in my Budget Diet, eggs have to be a part of that diet also and should not be omitted. You are essentially trying to substitute "fillers" and "pills" for good food.

    Ideally, if you want to feed raw as well as you can, the rice should not even be in there, and the eggs should be in there every day (as should the organ meats and oils).

    Good luck,


  6. #6
    i would add flax oil and organ meat.

  7. #7
    I guess I'm not quite so worried about the coat change so much's the vomiting of white foam and diarrhea...

    a peer mentioned bloat to me...I've never experienced this...anyone have any experience or insight on the matter?

  8. #8
    Vomiting and white foam?

    True bloat (i.e., gastric torsion) = dead dog in a matter of hours, so if you've been typing this long I doubt it is bloat.


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