View Poll Results: Should Members Be Allowed to Post Dog Matches Here?

63. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes, it is our right to do so.

    30 47.62%
  • No, it would be courting too much unfavorable attention.

    33 52.38%
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Results 31 to 39 of 39


  1. #31
    i said yes it will delete a lot of these fake ch on paper

  2. #32
    This is crazy. I know if anyone breaks out a video camera at a show, I'm out of there and so is the camera.

  3. #33
    I said no to the camer bet yes to post who u beat in when u beat them

  4. #34
    Let's remember if this does pass it doesn't mean you have to post videos it only means that those of us that would like to post the videos can. And if it's a matter of you not wanting to watch it then you don't have to even open the post

  5. #35
    Last time I looked dog fighting was illegal in most places so why would you want to film an illegal act THEN put it on the internet, potentially endangering the parties involved and spectators?

    I just don’t get how dogmen can be so stupid. How many other groups of people that break the law do you see going around posting and bragging on the internet about what they have done?

    If you want to be famous, forget the dogs and take up something legal like football or baseball ;-)
    Last edited by bulldogsrus; 07-29-2012 at 09:32 AM. Reason: Corrected typo errors :-)

  6. #36
    Bulldogsrus, I agree that is anyone posted a recent dogfight, that this would not only be stupid, but would also compromise the parties involved.

    Therefore, there would have to be a provisio where any posted fight would have to have been taken 10+ years ago.


  7. #37
    Junior Member Strip's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Does it Really Matter
    Even though it would be pretty cool, it would probably bring unwanted attention. My vote is no

  8. #38
    that craven woman and her multiple personalities used to send me fake friend requests on facebook.
    i voted yes for selfish reasons but don't do it, jack. it is an invitation to hell.

  9. #39
    It would be nice to see some of these so called bad ass killers go, but it would bring a whole lot of heat, I have some shows i was at overseas ( where its legal) i would like to post but this is a mainly american site and its not good for the breed or the dogmen.. Most of the famous shows from 10 plus yrs back or so are on tape ex gr ch banjo, tornado, lukane etc..

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