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Thread: Can a dog lose its abilty to bite hard bringing it under its weight.

  1. #1

    Can a dog lose its abilty to bite hard bringing it under its weight.

    Like the title says, if you'd bring a dog 500/600 grams under his ideal weight, would it lose its ability to bite hard? Got two people telling two different things.

    ps: What other things can you guys mention about bringing a dog under his ideal weight besides being to low on fat reserves to sustain a long time.

    ps2: This might be a fun one, would you rather bring a dog 500 grams under or above his ideal weight (if you had to), depending on which type of dog?

    Of course this is all theoretical


  2. #2
    I have seen this with my own eyes on more than one occasion. If you bring a dog lover than his best weight his traits may get weaken. If he doesn't loose any ability you haven't fought him on the right weight before.

  3. #3
    That's why it's his ideal weight. Because that is were his BEST bite etc is.

  4. #4
    Finding the proper weight is one of the hardest thing there is in dogs.

  5. #5
    Finding decent people in dogs is the hardest thing in dogs LOL

  6. #6
    Sadly that is THE truth

  7. #7
    The biting power of a dog depends on what weight he went into, how he was conditioned during the keep, how well the keep was, and the size of his opponent. They both could come in at the same weight but if the other dog was a bigger dog overall, your dogs mouth won't be as affective. Bringing in a dog at it's best weight will have him bite hard for the whole deal. Under weight, and he'll bite hard for a short period of time then tire out. Over weight, he'll bite the hardest but he will also run hot sooner.
    During his keep, if he is over worked then hell lose his mouth. And if his mouth doesn't get enough rest before the deal, then he wont have much mouth.
    I wouldn't use the spring pole in his keep at all just to be on the safe side.
    There's 3 things I don't do in a keep: No jumping, no spring pole, and no pulling on walks. He will most likely get hurt in those exercises than doing anything else.

  8. #8
    What we people tend to forget some times is that 500-600 gr for a, lets say 17kg, dog, is like 3 kilos for an 85kg male athlete or 3.6% body weight deviation from the optimum, so it should make a difference in ability during competition.

  9. #9
    thats unanimous then. that is what i like about this board. you can't get away with dumb advice.

    good point about the springpole ogdogg.

    true that taso, my bad. i was thinking about 20-22 kg dogs.

  10. #10
    Wouldn't it be less complicated to go by pounds?
    Half under, half over?

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