Part feed, part genetics.
Ofcours, your right. but still the dog looks FAR superior then he ever did on Raw diet.. and his owner wil never go back.. feeding raw..
Did the owner feed raw correctly? I have always fed high quality grain free kibble. I recently got a pup that started losing hair as if it was demodex. Went to the vet 4 different times and two different vets. Negative demodex. I switched him to Jacks raw diet. 2 weeks later hair is growing back...far less stool and better quality stool. I tried 3 different kibbles previously ...chicken...bison...salmon. And was losing hair at a alarming rate. Flanks ...hind legs...head...muzzle. That went on for 4 months. Then two weeks of raw and bingo! Same proteins as the kibble I was feeding. Chicken ...ground beef...beef tips ext. I've never seen such a dramatic improval of a scenario I was losing faith in. I swear by raw. I'll never go back. Have since converted all my dogs to raw and they are far more healthy than ever before. The dogs look to be in their natural state so to speak.
He fed coreckly yes. and plenty of others to who whent back to feeding kibble . chek the link one page back as it is working again.... the problems you discribed are tipicel feeding drij kibble wrong!! and the pups ore dogs in question have proten poison due to lack of amino acids and ore feeding the Dry kibble WRONG and ore the wrong kibble..
I was feeding high end kibbles...grain free. Supplemented RF-1 aswell. Still didn't get the same results. I tried salmon oil...all types of remedies. Then two weeks of jacks premium raw and bam! All my other dogs are better physically to. Hardly any body fat...shiny coats...clean teeth...lots of energy. Their digestive system is benefiting tremendously. So is the immune system. Feeding kibble is like you surviving on Taco bell your entire life. Its just not plausible to be in top health on that garbage. Same goes for dogs on kibble. Some dogs fair better on kibble than others I agree. But mine do not. To the average Joe's eye they would think my dogs look good on kibble...but then if I showed them my dogs on raw their light bulb would go off. The benefits far out weigh the bad...can't say the same for kibble. I'll read the link...see what your talking about. But I do not see myself going back. To much gain.
Subscribed Member
the only reason i went back to kibble was the time/prep factor and the limited space......
when im all done moving in and settled with a deep freezer, please believe when i say IM GOIN BACK TO RAW!
Simple conclusion.... Dogs that are fed raw poop less can we agree? Anything that comes out of the body is considered waste can we agree? So...more poop means more waste right? Meaning there are ingredients in kibble that have no use or cannot be digested. The body takes what it needs...the rest becomes waste. But....if there is nothing there for the body to benefit from or has excess of unusable ingredients ...there is more waste. So...in raw feeding...the body is using most of the meat. Less waste! In kibble...the body is not using or cannot use the ingredients it contains...more waste! Anything in excess that the body doesn't need or is deemed unusable comes out as waste. Simply put.
Have you ACTUALY lookt at this link and READ the texst http://youtu.be/d_xLCaIJrv4 if so then your eather IGNOREND ore have wall in front of your face.. the diguestebilety of feeding kible done the right way is the same ore iven BETER then feeding raw!!.. you ever heard of Beef jerky!!. Im sure you have wel 100grams of beef jerky comes from240 grams of raw undried beef!!. same with dried salted fish http://www.saltfish.com/preparation.html
this means when you SOAK it again the meat ore fish takes on the natural water to meat contense and volume!!!. if you then take your dried vegies and rice ore cereal and blend them up to a pulp when dry. press them into a pallet. al the same quality contense are in that Pallet same as your raw ingriedienses you use to feed your dog .Nothing has changed only the water has been taken out!!!!!!!. and it looks diferend because its grinded to tiny little un reconiseble grains as big as Sand..........
NOW soak these pallets, and al these ingriedienses used get there natural water to meat/vegies contens and volume back....
If you DONT do that then a dog wil need to take water from his NATURAL fluid house hold!!.In order to TRY to diguest the kibble. However this is far LESS efisient.
with the result that part of the dry food comes out un diguested. and a dogs SYSTEM is triggerd to uphold there water/fluid level and they start to drink alot!!.
(many a dog on the chain dont have acses to water 24/7 eather wich wil make the dog Dehydrated iven more and get more loose runny stool when fed un soiakt dry food and is a HUMAN ERROR when this happends its not because the dry food is bad!!.. In these cases where Human Error is presend then feeding raw on the chain ore kennel gives the dog more/ beter water house hold)
This is also the same rezen why dogs fed of raw meat and kibble at the same time get the runns .
Because the kibble needs more water to diguest at the same speed and rate (quiker denser en beter when soakt), as RAW meat thuse.
Now if you would SOAK the dry Food first and ad meat then diguestebilety will be PERFECT. Infact quality Dog food/kibble is actualy PRE DIGUESTED as everyting hase been grinded douwn to grains as big as sand prior to be made into a pallet. meaning the STOMAGE ACID has less efford and trouble to break douwn the large chunks of meat bone and vegies!!!!! witch are given when feeding raw.. wich sepreatly need diferend times to diguest!!. Now if you put al your raw meat and bone and vegies and stick them in a meat grinder and grind it to pulp. and feed that to your dog you wil see a even BETER digestebilety of all the ingridienses.
if we go one step feurther. and have that PULP dried out first where al the water contense is taken out, and make 200 pellets out of that quality dried mixture that you made.
and later soak it in 120/140% of the same volume of water. then it wil get the ""same"" volume and water contense as it was PRIOR to being DRIED. QUALITY is the same DIGUESTEBILETY IMPROOVES. And that my frinds is how the cooky crumbles . nothing more ore less. and again IT ALL THEPENDS if YOU the owner are able to FEED the RIGHT way and select the BEST drij food/kibble for your animals..
On top of that it DEPENDS if YOU the owner buys the corect dry food/kibble and find out the right weight of kibble to be soakt to feed your dog.
No you can repeat yourself over and over again But the laws of fisics are the laws of fisics you can not change these given facts!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Senior Member
After 10 pages and nobody is tapping out? Y'all can't convince Limey that raw is better. Why? Because his family is selling kibbles. That's a fact, end of story. Anybody who have fed raw the right way know its better for their dogs. And the ones who went back to kibbles are too gd lazy. I get tired everyday preparing raw for my dogs but I said f*ck it. I'll just keep on trucking cause I know my dogs love it and they look awesome. If you're feeding kibbles, more power to ya. I love it when the other camp comes in with a kibble fed dog cause its one step closer for an easy win.
02-16-2013, 12:22 AM
Yes the Record of the famely we have compleatly sucks over the last 30 years!!... Our famely of dogs have been bred raised shown more good dogs ch grch Rom dogs then any other of sorts on this forum. so far so NOBODY is able to prove my ""FACTS"" wrong. im the only one that comes here to bust the Myths and lias and MISUNDERSTANDING surounding the raw feeders claim about Dry food....
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