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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by izdontlie2 View Post
    Am I missing something? I haven't had time yet, to post any pedigrees but I will when the time permits. I am a new to your site but, I seem to be having prblems viewing some pics in the forums and when I type a name in the quick search blank it is not taking me to a pedigree instead, it takes me to the how to post pedigrees videos. It thanks, izdontlie2


    While I welcome you as a new member, your question here underscores the entire problem with most people: they fail to follow the instructions sitting right in front of them.

    When you came onboard, you were automatically PM'd a message entitled IMPORTANT INFORMATION, which told you how to do things here and it gave you a link to all of my video tutorials SHOWING YOU (guess what?) ... how to do things

    Did you follow the instructions? No.
    Did you click on the link to view and learn (ahem) "How to do things?" No.
    So what are you having trouble with? You guessed it: How to do things

    Sorry, but when I give people explicit information ... and spend um-teen-dozen hours providing ALL the information you need to learn how to do things ... and you don't even bother to read/watch it ... it gets kinda frustrating

    So now I have to re-write the instructions I have already taken the time to spell out (and make videos of) for you already. So let me give you a clue: the quick search is not what you use for searching pedigrees. That is what you use to search the forums and the articles.

    If you want to learn the what/where/when as to the Pedigree Database, then I suggest you actually follow the instructions I already provided you in these tutorials. One of them you will discover is called The Ultimate Search Engine, and if you actually take the time to view it, all of your questions will be answered

    In closing, after you get done being mad at me for this post (even though it's your own fault), and after you get finished watching the tutorial(s), you will then be able to use this resource properly ... and, when you start doing so, I hope that you see how really POWERFUL and COOL all the features really are, and I hope you forgive me for my impatience with your laziness


  2. #102
    hey jack, im looking for a way to print ( like print friendly) so i can keep a hard copy of my peds

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by stopem View Post
    hey jack, im looking for a way to print ( like print friendly) so i can keep a hard copy of my peds
    We do not create such a feature ... as the whole idea here was to be paperless

    However, we have been asked this question a couple of times now, so maybe we will create a "print friendly" window next year.


  4. #104
    some how I entered a pedigree and it is not showing that I created it. it has a blank spot there. how can this be corrected?

  5. #105
    Which dog?

    Post the URL.

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    We do not create such a feature ... as the whole idea here was to be paperless

    However, we have been asked this question a couple of times now, so maybe we will create a "print friendly" window next year.

    Or maybe you can add a future that makes an htm version template with a link : "created by pit bull bible" just a thought

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Which dog?

    Post the URL.
    Dog ID: 31698

  8. #108
    Have no idea ...

  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by blak View Post
    That shows how much time until you have to renew?
    Revisiting this, there actually *is* a countdown ticker ... just click the Subscribe Now link and your ticker will be up top


  10. #110
    I'm just thinking out loud here, but would it be possible to implement a calendar system into the database to keep track of a bitch's heat cycle?

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