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Thread: Redboy / jocko has made more dead game dogs !

  1. #101
    Senior Member waccamaw's Avatar
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    Conway, South Carolina, United States
    I would agree with that

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Nextlevel View Post
    I guess Ch Sassy POR, CH Leonardo, CH Toro POR, CH TAG, Gr Ch lukane ROM, Bobby Lou POR, CH STP holly is not major success. My definition of major is having CHAMPIONS or GRCH ROM dogs if you have a different definition, then everyone on this site should be carrying your stock with me first in line..!!!!

    But I will give you Bellon club..... But they still used said none, nada, zilch, zero.....
    Bellon Club never matched a RBJ dog. Only bred to one that produced no winners. A few of the STP dogs you mentioned were mid 80s. Bobby Lou isn't a RBJ dog. Then you have dogs like Lukane and Leonardo they bought, used once, and sold.

  3. #103
    This is a view I have had for a long time. When you breed two dogs from someone else that is all you really know. Then breeding from there gives you more. From there and so on. In time you will know what you have. Sell one puppy, farm one out, give one away and that 'not knowing' cycle starts all over again.

    I know a few I trust completely. I know some I trust only as far as I could throw them. Some would get my wallet as I threw them. Like most endeavors it is a cross section of society. The dogs have a little bit of every one involved. It takes all kinds. EWO

  4. #104
    Frosty paw how do u know Bellon club didnt have rbj in their bloodline.You cant make a statement based on reading peds of there dogs and I know you wasnt there for every breeding they made.This is a good example im trying to make.back in the 70s most people didnt reg.dogs at all,u bought a pup based on the performance of its parents.Dogmen bred good dog to good dog.There wasnt many dogmen that kept a family or line of dogs tight.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    Bellon Club never matched a RBJ dog. Only bred to one that produced no winners. A few of the STP dogs you mentioned were mid 80s. Bobby Lou isn't a RBJ dog. Then you have dogs like Lukane and Leonardo they bought, used once, and sold.
    Leonardo and lukane were in the new millenieum. And Stp used lukane in his breeding program but he couldn't turn down 20k. Stp loved Leonardo, but he died the day after he made champ. Twisted his guts

  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by swampdawg View Post
    Frosty paw how do u know Bellon club didnt have rbj in their bloodline.You cant make a statement based on reading peds of there dogs and I know you wasnt there for every breeding they made.This is a good example im trying to make.back in the 70s most people didnt reg.dogs at all,u bought a pup based on the performance of its parents.Dogmen bred good dog to good dog.There wasnt many dogmen that kept a family or line of dogs tight.
    I believe he knew the members personally ... not to mention the fact that nearly all the dogs they matched (whose pedigrees were shown in the SDJ) were of the Eli/Crenshaw variety.

    Again, people can't seem to differentiate between "used," "used once," and BEST.

    Again, no one is saying these dogs haven't been good or "used" ... the dispute is that they've DOMINATED any era or killed THE MOST (produced the very baddest) dogs.

    If we're just making jokes and playing games, to be "cool," that's one thing. But if we're actually making statements we belive in, then that's something else again.

    In that case, it's always helpful to pay attention so you're not out in left field or in the strawman construction business.


  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by waccamaw View Post
    I never said that. What I said RBJ made more dead game dogs !and that is a true statement.and you know it ,ha,ha.
    Lmao, I directly quoted what you said

  8. #108
    The reason I made the statement I did is because through the yrs I have had people breed to some of my rbj dogs yet never ask me to sign anything knowing these same people sale pups.Makes me wonder how many dogs peds.are wrong.I didnt mean any disrespect to frosty are anyone else,was just trying to make a point.

  9. #109
    Senior Member waccamaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    I believe he knew the members personally ... not to mention the fact that nearly all the dogs they matched (whose pedigrees were shown in the SDJ) were of the Eli/Crenshaw variety.

    Again, people can't seem to differentiate between "used," "used once," and BEST.

    Again, no one is saying these dogs haven't been good or "used" ... the dispute is that they've DOMINATED any era or killed THE MOST (produced the very baddest) dogs.

    If we're just making jokes and playing games, to be "cool," that's one thing. But if we're actually making statements we belive in, then that's something else again.

    In that case, it's always helpful to pay attention so you're not out in left field or in the strawman construction business.

    STP has always got dogs from different lines ,won a few with them then sold them,after a few wns .he has always done that.

  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by waccamaw View Post
    STP has always got dogs from different lines ,won a few with them then sold them,after a few wns .he has always done that.
    Lmao, you just built a strawman to take focus off your original quote.

    1) Re-read what I just wrote, that you just quoted. That STP "used" RBJ Has nothing to do with HIS BEST ... HIS KILLINGEST ... dogs were NOT RBJ (thereby negating your original claims).

    2) STP's BEST dogs were Boyles and Bolio.

    3) STP never sold his VERY BEST dog ... Buck ... who had no RBJ in him.

    Again, re-read what I said above, that you quoted.
    Re-Read your original quotes that I highlighted.

    See if you can put it all together.


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