Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
Hello Milehighmisfit. Is your bitch a high strung dog? Wanting to dig to China, chew roots and dog house etc. LOL I had two wonderful put together and deep game red nose/yellow eyes/red nails/red bitches bred by Mr. Joe Beal. From off his older E. Crenshaw/Heinzl Gringo/ Ida Red stock. Their pedigrees are on this site as J. Young's Flame and J. Young's Amber. My J. Young's Flame bitch was a clone look a like of Ferguson's Centipede.

Sadly they were both hard keepers. Constantly digging and Amber had to have a brick to push around or she would destroy everything. Was a hell of a test/school dog to start up young adult dogs. Had no teeth but could gum and mash em pretty hard. Hit them like a Pro Football line backer. LOL

I had very limited success with both dogs. Would carry pups, have them, nurse them for around seven days. Too then watch the pups start dying off. Ronole Morris managed to raise a litter off Amber bred to my J. Young's Chuck dog. His R.N. Nurse, Daughter took the pups around five days and then hand raised them. Sadly the ones he kept probably were killed by the H.S., when he was later arrested by, I believe by the FBI. One of these dogs I gave to Mr. Joe Beal since he did not have a stud dog at that time. Joe later after raising this young dog to adult. Named this dog Southern Johnny Reb. Was the last Stud dog he used before he passed on.

These type dogs by eating in the dirt year round will most likely keep a lot of bad bacteria in the body. The stress of having the pups and other stress factors may allow infection to over whelm the brood bitch, not enough to kill the brood bitch. But poison the milk.

If your brood bitch will stay calm in a big brood pen. Keeping her off the ground and from dirt. Along with a antibiotic treatment mentioned by S_B and others might solve the problem. One other product not mentioned that you can add is Happy Jacks Milk product to help the brood bitches milk from souring and going bad. Do not forget to build a big enough rest bench for her and put outside the brood box. To allow her to rest and get away from those little buggers around three to four weeks old.

Not allowing a brood bitch a way to spend some time away from the pups and rest can be another very stressful event on her body. A properly exercised and fed brood bitch before and during pups. Goes a long way to keeping a brood female healthy. She should look just as good after weaning the pups as when she was first bred. Hope some of this helps.

With all said I had no luck with these type dogs in the long run, or any other type hard keeper. Majority of the time, best to pass on these type dogs and keep good calm/ Healthy as a mule/ solid, strong made up type dogs. Never put a root/chain chewer around young dogs especially. Monkey see Monkey do. LOL Cheers
Thanks for the input. This little girl is a Leblanc/Mims dog and is pretty high strung. she will dig holes and such if not regularly exercised. In fact I caught her digging a hole today that she would almost completely disappear in. Very athletic girl, adapts to any environment and easy to handle. Anyways after 10 days of Cephalexin, reduced feed and exercise she seems to be doing better. I was alarmed as the milk was bloody though, but I'm guessing this was caused by the infection. Through this whole ordeal, infection, antibiotics, and a kennel accident and all she hasn't slowed down a bit. Maybe she would be a hard keeper if she wasn't receiving so much attention but one of her best attributes so far is how easy she is to work.It's all one big game to her and she easy adapted to the mill, flirt pole, spring pole, fetch, running alongside a bike etc.