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Thread: GUT FAT!!!

  1. #11

    Re: GUT FAT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot
    I've noticed the same when my dogs were switched to raw...the leaned out naturally.

    I would even go so far to say it is impossible to find a "lowest strong weight" unless you are feeding raw.

    What a person thinks is a lowest weight on kibble ... is just the lowest weight he can get to "on kibble" ...

  2. #12

    Re: GUT FAT!!!

    purepit nailed it. gut fat is all diet. you can remove gut fat without any exercise from diet alone. you cant target any fat loss in specific areas from exercises. it doesnt work like that.

  3. #13

    Re: GUT FAT!!!

    Feed an hour after usual workout to get the body to use it's reserve fats as an energy source after the workout. Also agree key is diet.

  4. #14

    Re: GUT FAT!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackfoot
    I've noticed the same when my dogs were switched to raw...the leaned out naturally.

    I would even go so far to say it is impossible to find a "lowest strong weight" unless you are feeding raw.

    What a person thinks is a lowest weight on kibble ... is just the lowest weight he can get to "on kibble" ...
    Is also my experience.

  5. #15

    Re: GUT FAT!!!

    Above times 3.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by bgblok68 View Post
    I've never seen a dog on raw with gut fat. Not saying there isnt but if there is they are feeding it way to much or the wrong food.
    I´ve got a 7,5 month old pup who´s on raw since he was born. he doesnt look to fat on the outside but when i take him to the lake and let him run around he shows white foam on the mouth.

    Click for a picture:

    I was actually searching the web if apple vinegar would be a good idea to add for him, but i read to many different statements about it. Stumbled upon this thread.
    Iv kept my pups with minus 10 to minus 20 degrees Celsius in the winter when they were around 4 months old so i fed them up to a kilo a day to keep them ok, that might be the cause for some excessive stumic fat

    this male weight 19 kilo now and i feed him 600 gr of raw a day. i rather don't feed him any less since he'll be needing the nutrients in his growth. would like to hear suggestions.

  7. #17
    First, speaking first hand of the switch to RAW. No doubt, my dogs leaned out tremendously in a very healthy and athletic way. I absolutely love it.

    2nd - R2L, I don't know exactly what you are asking, but if your dog is storing any extra fat, then he's eating/taking in more than he needs in terms of nutrients in growth. From an efficiency stand point, we all want to feed them exactly what they need to minimize waste and cost and maximize the dog's health.

    If the body of any animal is retaining waste/fat, then they are taking in too much.

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post
    I´ve got a 7,5 month old pup who´s on raw since he was born. he doesnt look to fat on the outside but when i take him to the lake and let him run around he shows white foam on the mouth.
    Your picture doesn't show the white froth that you're talking about..

    Here's a pic of one of mine, is this what you mean ?..

  9. #19
    Yep MTK, i dont have a picture of the foam. But its the usual gut fat foam.
    Picture was just to display the outside.

    No Quarter Kennel, obviously but now i rather loose it. I also understood that excessive puppy fat will be locked up by muscle development which will make it harder to lose.

    edit: i was also advised adding L-Carnitine capsules.

  10. #20
    R2L. I thnk the dog looks very good for a 7 1/2 month dog. I understand the concern about the foaming and wanted to ask if it appears in a short period of time within the activities ? Or is it just extensive play with a young dog that shouldn't be taking that much yet ?

    600 grams is a lot for some dogs and what you're feeding. Not all dogs are the same, but i have an almost 3 year old that gets 500 of the same food you feed. Yes it's an Irish Stafford, but a big one, 44 lbs. Also i always tend to think with the raw diet, dogs don't get hog fat on it if it's a balanced diet. What the dog don't use he shits out not totally burned up. Hope this makes any sense. And all the best with finding a solution.

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