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Thread: Clostridium botulinum (Botulism)

  1. #11
    This is him 1 day before he got sick. No signs of weakness, illness, nothing. The next day just suddenly.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by BRICKFACE View Post
    For c.diff the first coarse of treatment would be vancomycin, unless the dog was allergic then flagyl would be the next option. This would be an oral solution, not tablets or IV.

    Now in this case for c.botulinum it sounds like the first coarse of treatment would be antitoxin, which inhibits the production of the toxin produced by the bacteria. The toxin is what attacks the neurological system.
    They either don't have the antitoxin here or the vet thinks neostigmine would be better.

  3. #13
    I'll just post this again here, just in case you guys missed my reply.

    @S_B and BRICKFACE:

    Luckily, I only have 1 dog. Last month he had a lung infection as well, either a side effect from the botulism or from streptococcus but after 1 week he was back to his usual self (went back and forth to the vet for 4 straight days before getting him to overnight care for another 4 days, so 8 days of IV).

    This time the symptoms are not as bad but still the same, no place for overnight care so we went back and forth to the vet for IV to help get his fever down and hydrate but only for 3 days. Well, the vet blamed the raw food he ate but to my knowledge I've never given him spoiled meat, carcass, or decaying veggie. He likes to eat cat poop during his walks (which I try very hard to prevent) but his toxo test was negative. So let's just say maybe I got unlucky and he did get the bacteria from his food (Although he's been eating raw since he's 4 months old). Now I just cook all his food except fruits.

    The vet prescribed Doxy, med for the fever, and neurobion for the oral meds. I have him a chinese natural med called Pien Tze Huang which seems to help as well as I don't think the doxy does anything. For the injection he's prescribed Neostigmine for the tremors and paralysis symptoms. He's better since he's gotten the neostigmine shot yesterday (all the pharmacy was closed due to holidays here, I live in Indonesia). I think the neostigmine shots are continued for 7 days.

    I asked about antitoxin but the vet said there's none, so I don't know. Maybe we don't have it here. His leukocyte was extremely high when he got sick again last thursday, 50,000. I really hope he makes full recovery. I did supplement with kefir so the probiotic front should be good.

  4. #14
    Skip, he's a beautiful boy, gleams of health. I'm sorry to hear he's having these issues. If I were you I'd study up on what Brick posted and start asking the vet questions. In my experience when you ask questions while being versed in the subject a vet is likely to interact better with you. They kind of get all gitty! lol

    As far as the kefir I'd chuck it and use a good quality probiotic personally. And possibly supplement with good quality enzymes also. I'd research it though, and discuss with your vet.

    Good luck to you!

  5. #15
    @S_B: Thanks. He seems to be recovering well. I'm gonna visit the vet again on Friday and ask some more questions.

  6. #16
    He's a fine looking young dog. I hope he is doing better and that the vet was more helpful.

    I've only heard of dogs getting botulism from eating rotting dead deer carcasses they found in the woods and none of my dogs have done this so I have no experience with it.

    Here is the link to the Merck Veterinary Manual page on botulism, it might have some helpful info for you --
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  7. #17
    He's recovered now, thanks guys. He still got tremors sometimes but rarely. He lost about 1kg in about a week but somehow he got a lot stronger now lol.

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