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Thread: Feeding fat source

  1. #11
    Be careful, the scrapings may have degreaser, or some type of cleaner in them. My best

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kendall Hoyle View Post
    Be careful, the scrapings may have degreaser, or some type of cleaner in them. By best
    Never thought about that but I'll find out if they actually use a degreaser/cleaner for their grill. If they do, I'll see if that goes in their tub of fats as well. I know they dump all the fat and grease off the grill everyday. Good looking out though.

  3. #13
    When I"m feeding the oils, fat, or lard, I'm not feeding them for the omegas in them. I'm feeding it because fat is the main energy source, and a hard working dog needs lots of fat in order to operate properly. If I'm worried about omegas and what not, I'll get that from the actual food. I'm not concerned about that coming from my fat sources, so to me, they're all the same thing. One isn't superior to the other as the dog's body assimilates it all the same except flaxseed, which is waste when using for a dog.

  4. #14
    Frosty - I would like a more detailed explaination of why Flaxseed is a waste for dogs. I'm always looking to learn, revamp and improve my diet.

    Here's what I currently feed my 17 dogs, daily.
    1 Egg
    2 Oz Yogurt
    1/4 Teaspoon of Cell Red for vitamins
    1 Oz Wheat Germ/Flaxseed/Fish Oil (only one a day rotated daily)
    2 Oz Liver
    6-8 Oz Chicken Thigh or Quarter

    If I can eliminate Flaxseed and get everything I need, including the Omega 3's and 6's, then I'm all in.

    So far, the above diet has been the best formula for me thus far and my dogs look great. In deer season, I take all internal organs, grind into a mix and add 2 oz of this to the above in addition to the deer carcasses.

  5. #15
    That is a great feed. If I had the same recipe I would drop the 2oz of liver and up the chicken to some fatty cuts like backs. The hunks of skin and fat, plus a little more bone.

    I use wheat germ oil as well, but I mix and match the fats, and lean toward the more easily digestible ones like chicken and beef fat. One of the best cuts for the dogs is cow cheek. it is a really fatty cut of meat. A chunk of that in place of the liver would be better, at least in my opinion.

    I do Red Cell as well. I alternate days on that as well.

    Nice recipe. I'm sure it works well.

    Looking for Frosty's response as well.


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by No Quarter Kennel View Post
    Frosty - I would like a more detailed explaination of why Flaxseed is a waste for dogs. I'm always looking to learn, revamp and improve my diet.

    Here's what I currently feed my 17 dogs, daily.
    1 Egg
    2 Oz Yogurt
    1/4 Teaspoon of Cell Red for vitamins
    1 Oz Wheat Germ/Flaxseed/Fish Oil (only one a day rotated daily)
    2 Oz Liver
    6-8 Oz Chicken Thigh or Quarter

    If I can eliminate Flaxseed and get everything I need, including the Omega 3's and 6's, then I'm all in.

    So far, the above diet has been the best formula for me thus far and my dogs look great. In deer season, I take all internal organs, grind into a mix and add 2 oz of this to the above in addition to the deer carcasses.
    I like the way this diet looks NQK. What if any difference do you see not including the boiled rice? And do you not include and vegetables at some point in this diet?

  7. #17
    "Flax oil is often touted as a good omega-3 source but the omega-3’s in flax oil are not in a form that dogs can incorporate in their body and so they become a very expensive substitute for vegetable oil."

    Arleigh Reynolds, DVM

    There's an article I posted on here, Rendering Sense Into Fat. I would recommend everyone reading it.

  8. #18
    I have been feeding raw for 20 years
    just a few remarks from my end , nothing scientific just observation

    1) my main source is chicken fat , I use a lil salmon oil , some yoghurt once in a while
    2) dogs on meat tend to be leaner , they have more inner fat so they may look thinner
    3) I feed twice a day since the last 6 years they tend to keep weight better

    one thing I also changed is that I noticed its better to switch up meat like trhow a fish head or some other stuff trough their weekly diet

    hope this helps

  9. #19
    Fish is a good source of protein. I have used it during normal feeding for protein and calorie content.

    A number of years ago I was switching protein sources during a keep. A pattern developed as the work day after fish was the primary protein source the dogs did not have as much gas in the tank. They tended to be 'little hot' earlier in the work. The next day after chicken/red meat they seemed to be back on track. I put that off on the individual dog.

    The next dog that came thru I saw the same. I'm not sure if it was that the fish is not a staple during the rest of the year and the body does not acclimate as well or maybe the fish is not a good idea for a dog in keep.

    I still use it as there is I have a pretty good supply for the cheap. I use it during the year.


  10. #20
    Interesting will keep an eye on it

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