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Thread: Breeding dogs at a year.

  1. #11

  2. #12


    Not only is it nothing wrong with breeding a dog at a year's natural and normal.

    It's sad that common sense isn't common and the masses are more in the state of novice than seasoned.

    Many has always done this and it is not a fluke that you get good results.
    It makes me and others shake our heads hearing peole questioning it as a tell they don't understand basic DNA.
    A female does not have to be 2 or 3 years to go back her father. Nor and uncle or an aunt opr especialy and grand parent.
    If people had the basics understanding of breeding and breeding concept they will see tat most of all families line bred especially on specific males use this concept over and over regardless of what family. You will always see the same specific male on both top and bottom o beeing bred to another top and bottom.
    The common sense is DNA don't change and when you are doing a breeding such as Father/daughter the outcome is 75% the Father.
    The daughter is just carring the egg and noting more .
    Linebred dogs such as 1/2 brother and sister carry and take after the common grand parent ,often the father, and if taken back to grandfather again the female does not matter regardless of age.
    This is the difference between actually playing chess vs those who just do tic tac toe.. A chess player always playes way more than 1 move at a time.
    1 move is needed to open up and do another and inmost cases it maybe 3 or more moves in advance. Same with dogs. If you have a good male you will breed to at least a handfull if not 2 handfull of different females with the intentions of combining all 1/2 siblings together , father to daughter a few times or all of the above.

    Now when someone has 4 or more generations they are not guessing what they will turn out like such as a newby who only owns the 1st generations parents. Someone who has hands on 8 generations will not guess what will be the results when breeding 2 dogs they have seen each and eveyone in every litter..

    Now when you get on my level breeding and havng hands on with each and everyone in each and every litter for 17 strait generations ad hands on fro 20 generations is something you know in your sleep what you will get breeding a pair especially doing a Father daughter ,Uncle niece, Grandfather/Granddaughter and so on. That's just a common sense issue.

    The same novices that talk about and can't understand hwo someone who has hands on so many can know an outcome with thier own dogs some how pretend to know what you will get crossing dogs from families they did not put together nmor dogs they never had thiier own hands on..

    It's basic breeding and standard breeding that people do Old dogs to young dogs and if or when they breed 2 young ones it maybe just to go to and old grandfather while he can still breed.

    The seasoned dogmen should know it's a long term planning or game of chess not a case by case just buying other peole dogs each generation. That's not chess , that's tic tac toe. aka step by step..

    All of my breedings are planned years and generations in advanced.. If one breeding does n ot turn out another one that did replaces it..

    Again you breed key dogs to a handfull or more when line breeding so you already know what will be bred to what and why and if someone thinks you need to wait years to breed a Father to his daughter just to have one to go to another father daughter based on the exact same male someting is real wrong with that person.

    Over 45 years of hands on experience with this breed and whole life with dogs breeders and oher breeds.

    There is an old book "Dog Breeding for Professionals" that cam out around the early 90's that will inform some who need to hear the same thing from some one who looks different.

    Breeding young to old is just as basic as it gets .. But the basics are not basic anymore.. too many of the misslead only looks at 1/2 the game and not the whole game.. It doesn't matter when going back to something it came off.

    Just 1 of many hands on experience. You can pull up all 15 generations and my name still goes back further.

    This breeding .

    was bred to go with this breeding .
    Last edited by bossman311; 03-14-2022 at 07:51 AM. Reason: left out key piece

  3. #13
    [QUOTE=bossman311;49104]Not only is it nothing wrong with breeding a dog at a year's natural and normal.

    It's sad that common sense isn't common and the masses are more in the state of novice than seasoned.

    Many has always done this and it is not a fluke that you get good results.
    It makes me and others shake our heads hearing peole questioning it as a tell they don't understand basic DNA.
    A female does not have to be 2 or 3 years to go back her father. Nor and uncle or an aunt opr especialy and grand parent.
    If people had the basics understanding of breeding and breeding concept they will see tat most of all families line bred especially on specific males use this concept over and over regardless of what family. You will always see the same specific male on both top and bottom o beeing bred to another top and bottom.
    The common sense is DNA don't change and when you are doing a breeding such as Father/daughter the outcome is 75% the Father.
    The daughter is just carring the egg and noting more .
    Linebred dogs such as 1/2 brother and sister carry and take after the common grand parent ,often the father, and if taken back to grandfather again the female does not matter regardless of age.
    This is the difference between actually playing chess vs those who just do tic tac toe.. A chess player always playes way more than 1 move at a time.
    1 move is needed to open up and do another and inmost cases it maybe 3 or more moves in advance. Same with dogs. If you have a good male you will breed to at least a handfull if not 2 handfull of different females with the intentions of combining all 1/2 siblings together , father to daughter a few times or all of the above.

    Now when someone has 4 or more generations they are not guessing what they will turn out like such as a newby who only owns the 1st generations parents. Someone who has hands on 8 generations will not guess what will be the results when breeding 2 dogs they have seen each and eveyone in every litter..

    Now when you get on my level breeding and havng hands on with each and everyone in each and every litter for 17 strait generations ad hands on fro 20 generations is something you know in your sleep what you will get breeding a pair especially doing a Father daughter ,Uncle niece, Grandfather/Granddaughter and so on. That's just a common sense issue.

    The same novices that talk about and can't understand hwo someone who has hands on so many can know an outcome with thier own dogs some how pretend to know what you will get crossing dogs from families they did not put together nmor dogs they never had thiier own hands on..

    It's basic breeding and standard breeding that people do Old dogs to young dogs and if or when they breed 2 young ones it maybe just to go to and old grandfather while he can still breed.

    The seasoned dogmen should know it's a long term planning or game of chess not a case by case just buying other peole dogs each generation. That's not chess , that's tic tac toe. aka step by step..

    All of my breedings are planned years and generations in advanced.. If one breeding does n ot turn out another one that did replaces it..

    Again you breed key dogs to a handfull or more when line breeding so you already know what will be bred to what and why and if someone thinks you need to wait years to breed a Father to his daughter just to have one to go to another father daughter based on the exact same male someting is real wrong with that person.

    Over 45 years of hands on experience with this breed and whole life with dogs breeders and oher breeds.

    There is an old book "Dog Breeding for Professionals" that cam out around the early 90's that will inform some who need to hear the same thing from some one who looks different.

    Breeding young to old is just as basic as it gets .. But the basics are not basic anymore.. too many of the misslead only looks at 1/2 the game and not the whole game.. It doesn't matter when going back to something it came off.

    Just 1 of many hands on experience. You can pull up all 15 generations and my name still goes back further.

    This breeding .

    was bred to go with this breeding


    Only people that I have know that breed dogs from seven months to year old males and two year old bitches normally. In the dog show ring it's about looks! Mainly scattered bred dogs also.

    It's about what your breeding for!! Untested young dogs off untested sire and dams have historically throw anything you can use in the open division! We did that in the open division against seasoned dogmen when we started over 38 years ago. We got our asses sent to boot

    There levels to the open division and years prior we have seen these theories applied many times with negative long lasting results.

    But, we live and we learn. We came up in the 70's. If Breeding year old untested dogs was successful, trust everyone would have breed the pants off those young dogs years

    Everyone uses the exception to the rule situation..

  4. #14
    [QUOTE=State Bull;49114]
    Quote Originally Posted by bossman311 View Post
    Not only is it nothing wrong with breeding a dog at a year's natural and normal.

    It's sad that common sense isn't common and the masses are more in the state of novice than seasoned.

    Many has always done this and it is not a fluke that you get good results.
    It makes me and others shake our heads hearing peole questioning it as a tell they don't understand basic DNA.
    A female does not have to be 2 or 3 years to go back her father. Nor and uncle or an aunt opr especialy and grand parent.
    If people had the basics understanding of breeding and breeding concept they will see tat most of all families line bred especially on specific males use this concept over and over regardless of what family. You will always see the same specific male on both top and bottom o beeing bred to another top and bottom.
    The common sense is DNA don't change and when you are doing a breeding such as Father/daughter the outcome is 75% the Father.
    The daughter is just carring the egg and noting more .
    Linebred dogs such as 1/2 brother and sister carry and take after the common grand parent ,often the father, and if taken back to grandfather again the female does not matter regardless of age.
    This is the difference between actually playing chess vs those who just do tic tac toe.. A chess player always playes way more than 1 move at a time.
    1 move is needed to open up and do another and inmost cases it maybe 3 or more moves in advance. Same with dogs. If you have a good male you will breed to at least a handfull if not 2 handfull of different females with the intentions of combining all 1/2 siblings together , father to daughter a few times or all of the above.

    Now when someone has 4 or more generations they are not guessing what they will turn out like such as a newby who only owns the 1st generations parents. Someone who has hands on 8 generations will not guess what will be the results when breeding 2 dogs they have seen each and eveyone in every litter..

    Now when you get on my level breeding and havng hands on with each and everyone in each and every litter for 17 strait generations ad hands on fro 20 generations is something you know in your sleep what you will get breeding a pair especially doing a Father daughter ,Uncle niece, Grandfather/Granddaughter and so on. That's just a common sense issue.

    The same novices that talk about and can't understand hwo someone who has hands on so many can know an outcome with thier own dogs some how pretend to know what you will get crossing dogs from families they did not put together nmor dogs they never had thiier own hands on..

    It's basic breeding and standard breeding that people do Old dogs to young dogs and if or when they breed 2 young ones it maybe just to go to and old grandfather while he can still breed.

    The seasoned dogmen should know it's a long term planning or game of chess not a case by case just buying other peole dogs each generation. That's not chess , that's tic tac toe. aka step by step..

    All of my breedings are planned years and generations in advanced.. If one breeding does n ot turn out another one that did replaces it..

    Again you breed key dogs to a handfull or more when line breeding so you already know what will be bred to what and why and if someone thinks you need to wait years to breed a Father to his daughter just to have one to go to another father daughter based on the exact same male someting is real wrong with that person.

    Over 45 years of hands on experience with this breed and whole life with dogs breeders and oher breeds.

    There is an old book "Dog Breeding for Professionals" that cam out around the early 90's that will inform some who need to hear the same thing from some one who looks different.

    Breeding young to old is just as basic as it gets .. But the basics are not basic anymore.. too many of the misslead only looks at 1/2 the game and not the whole game.. It doesn't matter when going back to something it came off.

    Just 1 of many hands on experience. You can pull up all 15 generations and my name still goes back further.

    This breeding .

    was bred to go with this breeding


    Only people that I have know that breed dogs from seven months to year old males and two year old bitches normally. In the dog show ring it's about looks! Mainly scattered bred dogs also.

    It's about what your breeding for!! Untested young dogs off untested sire and dams have historically throw anything you can use in the open division! We did that in the open division against seasoned dogmen when we started over 38 years ago. We got our asses sent to boot

    There levels to the open division and years prior we have seen these theories applied many times with negative long lasting results.

    But, we live and we learn. We came up in the 70's. If Breeding year old untested dogs was successful, trust everyone would have breed the pants off those young dogs years

    Everyone uses the exception to the rule situation..

    Thanks for posting this. Yard management is a different skill. I do have value for testing and earning. There is a point where you can lose everything. If you feel you have something you may need to make the breeding and monitor the children. You make me feel good saying that you plan your breedings years in advance. I think you can do this when you know what you are trying to create.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by State Bull View Post

    Thanks for posting this. Yard management is a different skill. I do have value for testing and earning. There is a point where you can lose everything. If you feel you have something you may need to make the breeding and monitor the children. You make me feel good saying that you plan your breedings years in advance. I think you can do this when you know what you are trying to create.

    I doubt that Floyd waited years with each dog before going right back to the same male and this dog was at the start iof what most feed these days

    Same with Patrick and this dog

    Dogs like this and so on.

    Too many did have will breed in patterns keying on a certain dog or cross .

    They don't alwasy have to guess each generation what will go with what .

  6. #16
    each breeding is a risk. When you learn more about the family you are dealing with you adjust. more chances you take for putting a weak link in the gene pool is on the breeder. Starting from zero to build something probably means taking a risk and dealing with it once your numbers are up. otherwise you're always starting over.

  7. #17
    Making breedings are not a risk knowning how to breed not just what to breed.
    You learn what you don't know from actaully doing and no other way when it comes to these dogs.
    No matter what you feed and why , you have to actuially go thru each one to see what and what does not meet the standard.
    Dogs don't have to be related , you make dogs that turn out related.
    Breeding schemes, Punnet squares and so on that were well known in the past or all but gone these days.

    I used dogs no one had with house hold names everyone had all built down from families based on Gr Ch's .
    We didn't have computers nor did will read and stick with books.
    Hands on and talking to those with hands on was the best teachers.

    After hands on and 1st hand experience with 20 strait generation & from 20 pure families there is little guess work going on these days.

    You know what you got long before you even breed them.

  8. #18
    Tells me everything i need to know about that perspns breeding practices and yard. Not somebody i'd ever want to take a chance ons stock.

  9. #19

  10. #20
    Our RB bitches back in the day.. Came in once a year..But, when bred tight that happens at times.

    I would have taken her to a good reproductive vet, to find out yet when she younger to find out what her issue was.

    In shows dogs they breed them at sevens months .But, that's a different game.with them using young dog's, the semen is more vaiable off the younger dogs.

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