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Thread: coyotes ?

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder98 View Post
    My uncle would lay out raw groundbeef mixed with broken up glass mixed in with it....solved his problems for tired of them in the garden...I haven't seen any on my property, but I can surely hear them....I don't go in the woods without my JUDGE....night or day
    That's a terrible thing to do to any living animal just trap and shoot them.

  2. #12
    I suppose he thought catching and shooting them was a cruel thing to do....idk or maybe he thought his bullets were better served in someones ass that lurked on his properties, I never asked, wasn't my property....

  3. #13
    thinks had one dog in a kennel last night set up all night weighting didn't come near

  4. #14
    hell of a hang over though lol

  5. #15
    that is horrible i was thinking about injecting some hot dogs with antifreeze lol

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by kid View Post
    that is horrible i was thinking about injecting some hot dogs with antifreeze lol
    That is a painful and cruel death. And what if one of your own dogs gets into the antifreeze? There is no antidote for antifreeze. Why not just shoot them? Or get a German Shepherd yard dog for awhile until the coyotes learn to stay away. They are not stupid.

    Also if one of them is 60 pounds, it's mixed with something, coyotes are usually about 35 pounds but look bigger due to all the fur on them.

    I would not think they would mess with your bulldogs except for maybe the pups. Maybe throw some fireworks at them when they come around?
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by SGC View Post
    That is a painful and cruel death. And what if one of your own dogs gets into the antifreeze? There is no antidote for antifreeze. Why not just shoot them? Or get a German Shepherd yard dog for awhile until the coyotes learn to stay away. They are not stupid.

    Also if one of them is 60 pounds, it's mixed with something, coyotes are usually about 35 pounds but look bigger due to all the fur on them.

    I would not think they would mess with your bulldogs except for maybe the pups. Maybe throw some fireworks at them when they come around?
    60 pounds isn't uncommon for eastern coyotes. It's a none fact that they are crossed with wolf.

  8. #18
    i was kidding and i would have way more fun shooting them but so far so good i hear them on the back half of the property but they stay away from the front half were my and my dogs are and i only hay have my little 28 ponder out there who wouldn't have a problem trying to give a bar the business and the pups are in the garage in a pin but are loud as hell i thought they would come for sure when they heard them but didn't. I'm not pushing my luck or anything but so far so good. i guess if it changes ill just take a bunny and run a stake through it and start shooting lol. just kidding SGC ill just a call . thinks for all the help from everyone.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by S_B View Post
    That's a terrible thing to do to any living animal just trap and shoot them.
    Coyotes don't trap easy and you won't always see them.
    Cyanide traps are "alright".....but didn't work all that great.
    Poison in something they will eat, is the ticket.

    The objective was for him to rid himself of coyotes.....not what I would call humane, but if it's my dogs or coyotes suffering,,,,,,suffer they will.

  10. #20
    There are no 60lb coyotes and the wolf hybrids are extremely uncommon
    Coyotes are However, they are no match for any legit dog. Saw a fat, lazy ass lab crush a coyotes chest and kill it in one bite one time. Didn't even know what he was doing. Coyotes will bate other dogs to come to them though, so a premises German Shepard could be lured and out numbered. It has happened. Rare, but real.

    Poison them, shoot them, do whatever you want. If it's your property, defend it against coyotes by any means you see fits or works for you. I have no judgment to your methods.

    Best of luck

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