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Thread: busted tale

  1. #11
    Yes. The kicker with tails is that they normally lick off whatever you put on it. One of the better topicals is "Cut and Heal". It has a bad taste and a lot of dogs will leave it be, although I have had a few that would lick it like ketchup. But so it goes.

    Without seeing the set up I am going to guess he is banging his tail on something. Maybe something has his attention that the only way he can see it is positioning himself at an angle that leaves his tail up against the wall/fence? Maybe when he hears you coming?

    Hopefully you can get it figured out. Tail splatter is tough.

    My son slammed out screen door on the tip of a Fila Brasileiro once and pinched off the tip of his tail. He yelped in pain but ran down the hall way playing with my son. Then back up the hall way and into the kitchen when my wife noticed the spray and splatter. The hall way looked like a murder scene. We did everything we could and it tooks weeks/months to heal. Any tail wag and it busted back open.

    Again best of luck.


  2. #12
    EWO is right, the Cut Heal is the way to go, it's like fishy oil, some do love it though.

    Keep him out of the crate, and if you can chain him up until it heals that would be good, no more fence to bash.

    Ditch the pedialite and add more water, a dog on raw will not drink much, add 40oz to his feed, that will get the hydration up. Adding some kibble should help him retain hydration also. Everything you're doing will work, stick with it, but if cut heal stays on after a day just repeat with it, don't rinse it off with the Chlorhexidine and Vetricyn.


  3. #13
    I had a pure Colby bitch 10 years ago who's tail would bust in the crate, on walls, and on the chain. I was able to heal it up by applying super glue to the tip. It formed a hard seal and allowed healing from the wound bed out until it closed. Long term I also added fish oil supplements and to the high protein kibble I was feeding. I would also add eggs to the kibble. This seemed to work as her tail never broke open. The fish oil was recommended by Lou Colby. He mentioned her skin may be too dry.

  4. #14
    Great advice.

    Now that you say it the vet used super glue on our Fila's tail as well. I forgot that part.

    And the extra oil is a great idea.


  5. #15
    i all ready tried the super glue and vet bond witch is the same but blue and i think it got worse i think he started chewing on it i have the pad heal which is the same as the old cut heal he licks it off. man he beats him self up iv tried blood stop power too try to get it to coagulate and maybe start the healing he even licks the new stock and the furazone or how ever you spell that last one i was out there with him all day yesterday doing some work and he wants to lick his tale i wonder if he is chewing on it my friend had his uncle and as a pup and in to his adult life he would chase his tale, like my dog but one day he bit it off i hope my dog don't do that shit. I youse fish oil in feed all the time i think putting stuff on it makes him lick it and in turn makes it worst it was just the tip now its moving down at least 2 or 3 inch. well ill just try and keep him hydrated and maybe leave it alone. think you for all your replies and help i would of never thought of the water and broth if any one has any advice it is always appreciated

  6. #16
    Usually when they obsess over it it's rotting and they'll eat it until it's back to good tissue.

    You're best bet is skipping the topical application for the most part so he'll get his mind off it. You could try Granulex, it is sweet smelling, I have some that think it's dessert lol But it eats necrotic tissue which sounds like what you may have going on.

    Get him away from anything he can hit that tail on and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.

    You could also soak his tail in a bucket of warm water/Epsom salt to promote healing.

    Don't give up, you'll get it whipped eventually!


  7. #17
    ya after all that i had to bring him in side put a cone on him and wrap his tale it took about three weeks

  8. #18
    and still little scabs and no hair but i had to kick his ass out

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by kid View Post
    and still little scabs and no hair but i had to kick his ass out
    Bulldogs, can't live with em can't live without em. Kid you just got to keep outsmartin' the bastard!


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