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My observation is this, and it doesn't mean that I am not missing something. It is what I believe to be true based on direct observation and hands on experience.
As long as the dogs are familiar with being fed kibble and raw food, and are being fed different things within this feeding method, then going from kibble one day and then to raw chicken the next day shouldn't/doesn't shock their system at all. The same goes for mixing the two together daily. Of course, i would not vary the diet from day to day on a dog that I was working for obvious reasons, but for a dog that was simply being maintained or kept healthy, I don't see any issues at all. I think anytime that you can give them raw chicken, beef, liver, fat, etc....that it is a good thing.
Dogs can eat some of the nastiest stuff and thrive on it. Their system is very strong. And to me, Bulldogs are some of the best animals to see results and feedback on what you are doing to them, whether it is exercise and/or feeding methods.