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Thread: 7 year old male has low sprem count

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Can you post a link to one of these?
    This company can do the procedure.
    The best gamedog apparel on the net can be found here at:

  2. #12
    Thank you for the link ... what about a direct purchase of the equipment?

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Thank you for the link ... what about a direct purchase of the equipment?
    I found the transcervical insemination camera equipment for sale on this page at the bottom:
    The best gamedog apparel on the net can be found here at:

  4. #14
    I inherited this male

    His owner fell on some hard times due to medical issues. His relatives fed his dogs for him for awhile and they were all real 'honkers', barrel shaped dogs.

    First time he couldn't breed due to pure exhaustion. Second time he could stay hard enough to penetrate. Over time I trimmed him down with daily walks and rough housing on the chain. Switched him to better food. Bred him again a couple of months later and another miss. I put him on the work up similar to the Pit Bull Bible. Tribulus, Saw Palmetto, Vitamin E, B-complex, wheat germ and dessicated liver. I didn't use Doxycycline but I did do two 7 day cycles of Amoxicillin over a three week period. Not sure it was as effective as Doxycycline but I went with the Moxy.

    I was hoping to get him 'up and clean' over a 60 day period but a bitch came in around 35 days of his new lifestyle. He threw 7 pups the first time after the treatments, the food and the weight loss. A month later he threw 8, wait six more months and he had 9 born this past Saturday.

    The work up in the Pit Bull Bible helped this dog. I would recommend it to anyone who is planning to dub one a stud dog. EWO

    Quote Originally Posted by S_B View Post

    I have recently run into the same issue with my studs due to never breeding until late in their lives. What has worked for me is Vitamin E or Wheat Germ oil (pure), Tribulius a very low dose of Saw Palmetto (I do every other day) and a good quality joint supplement preferably with Perna Mussel.

    Also twice a year I run them on Doxycycline for 21 days to clear out any infections.

    And the most important is a good quality feed and good overall health otherwise you could be wasting money.

    I just AI'd an 8 year old male doing the above and had a litter of 6 healthy all male pups. As far as which ups your chances. I'd say surgically AI would yield the best results. Or breed naturally or AI to a proven producing bitch.

    Good luck,

  5. #15
    Have any of you ever checked into a drug called clomid citrate, it is use and men and women to help them be more fertile

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Buckgator View Post
    Have any of you ever checked into a drug called clomid citrate, it is use and men and women to help them be more fertile

    First I heard of it here's an article I found after a quick search:

  7. #17
    Clomid does not make women more fertile, it lowers estrogens so it helps men but women not.

  8. #18
    Actually it helps women; Clomifene citrate is a drug treatment that stimulates their ovaries to release eggs. here are some links that might be of interest for us and our four legged friends.

  9. #19
    Spend some time reading, you are right, for some reason I had in my mind that it was used in women for treating reproductive system cancer etc, maybe I am wrong or they found now a new use, do not know.

  10. #20

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