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  1. #11
    Nice looking dogs. They look very similar to SuperStar's offsprings.

    These are three different litters, every litter has at least 2 white heads in it.
    Must be in his gene because his sister Secret doesn't throw white heads.
    Btw, these are not famous VG dogs, just wanted to show the similarity in them.

  2. #12

    Here are some fun pics of Pretty Boy, a very game dog that (later in life) got to grapple with a lot of famous human fighters ... like Reylson Gracie



    PS: I think that white head is coming from Patrick's Blitz, Ch Hammer's mama, a nearly all-white daughter of Gr Ch Boomerang.

  3. #13
    That's what I thought too when I was looking at Blitz's pedigree. I also thought SuperStar and Secret got that yellow coloration from Boomer as well. Since the dogs you bred and prefer were more buckskin and red, the lighter color must've came in every once in awhile.

  4. #14


    The Hornet x LuLu breeding was a very good one, involving a dog that hadn't been touched at the time (Hornet) bred to a then-11-month old bitch in LuLu (who went on to win later in life) ... which just goes to show dogs don't need to be "tested" in order to throw badass, game dogs.

    LOL, I remember a lot of detractors talking smack to me when I did this breeding, but I doubt any of them ever produced a dog what could whip one side of Ch Mr. Serious (who beat Hargrove so bad he bred to the dog 3x afterward). All-in-all, this litter produced 7 pups, 4 of which got wasted, but 3 of which proved fantastic. They are as follows:

    Sure do wish I would have hung on to the bitch, Star, and the male, Mr. Serious, from that breeding ... but the whole litter really yielded a bunch of sturdy, beautiful animals.

    Just thought I would share and reminisce


  5. #15
    Thanks for posting up those old photos. I really enjoyed looking at them. Some beautiful dogs there.

    Are there any living offspring left off of Ch Mr Serious?
    Common sense isn't so common these days.

  6. #16
    Finally added a few photos of one of the most important bitches I have ever owned ... Coca Cola

  7. #17
    And also Red Sonja ...

  8. #18
    Great pictures Jack. Loves these type of dogs.

  9. #19

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Thank you, and she (Screamer and Jezebel) remain my top 3 bitches I have ever owned.

    Sure wish I got more pups out of Missy, though, but what a specimen she left me with Silverback

    I originally purchased this pup because of his sire's bloodline, but I picked him because of his maternal grandfather, Vise-Grip's Silverback!! Looking forward to some great moments with this special fellow.

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