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Thread: My Thoughts :

  1. #11
    Was it the Eulogy dog who went against Goldday and someone yelled COPS! etc and the show went to hell ?

  2. #12
    Junior Member UrbanDogman's Avatar
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    Livin' rent free in Frank43's head
    Quote Originally Posted by TrailerTrash View Post
    Was it the Eulogy dog who went against Goldday and someone yelled COPS! etc and the show went to hell ?

    No, that was Ex-Gr Ch Ali Baba.

  3. #13
    Okay . Think I met that camp and Golddays owner at the time . Man that guy has help some great dogs !!! Have a good day

  4. #14
    You succeeded tracking that crap here. Negativity follows you huh.

  5. #15
    Junior Member UrbanDogman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank43 View Post
    You succeeded tracking that crap here. Negativity follows you huh.
    Man, what are you even on about lol. Re-read my post asshole, why would you get yourself so worked up over it ????

  6. #16
    The point. We come in here discuss history, feeding and all the stuff that takes care of the dogs. You're tracking ghetto bullshit in here. If you don't want to know breed history don't. Go wherever and do random shit. Leave people be. If people don't want to associate with you it's you. We will will go back to breed history, feeding and housing. Each his own. Stay off the news and call your dogs something else.

  7. #17
    Call them urban box hounds. Separate the two.
    We aren't associated with you.

  8. #18
    Junior Member UrbanDogman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank43 View Post
    The point. We come in here discuss history, feeding and all the stuff that takes care of the dogs. You're tracking ghetto bullshit in here. If you don't want to know breed history don't. Go wherever and do random shit. Leave people be. If people don't want to associate with you it's you. We will will go back to breed history, feeding and housing. Each his own. Stay off the news and call your dogs something else.

    I think your so upset because you know I see YOU for what you are, a wanna be, a fantasy dogman with inner dreams of being the next Tom Garner lmao. Pal, the closest you'll ever come is attending one of his pig pickin's.

  9. #19
    Junior Member UrbanDogman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank43 View Post
    Call them urban box hounds. Separate the two.
    We aren't associated with you.

    lol thank Christ for that.

  10. #20
    You're just here showing the two types of black people. Why some people get jammed up. "I don't know how the cops found the re up". We were on Facebook with drugs and guns. It's cause were black.

    Im me that's the difference. I do what I want. Associate with who I want. I'm not here to impress you. If I want to go to a pig pickin I will. If I wanted to go go roll all of my dogs tomorrow to the death I could. I got friends all over the place I can do shit with when I want to. You will never know. Some people move in silence. That's the difference between me and you.

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