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Thread: Ch Emmitt Rom where does he rank among the all time greats ?

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by realpitsnobull View Post
    I feel u bro
    Good deal.

    BTW, I added links to the dogs I am talking about on post #7. I also forgot yet another bitch (Misty Red), who had one of those Emmitt dogs picked up in about 4 minutes over at NM's place. In fact, one of the "Super Crackers" was talking trash that Misty Red "didn't want to get bit" because she went right to the face and pitched her body off to the side out of the way of his bitch (a la this thread) ... but as soon as great gobs of deep red blood started pouring out of that Emmitt bitch's face and upper palate, he got that Emmitt beauty up out of there pretty quick ... didn't want to ruin the career of a "promising prospect"

    Anyway, I know the Emmitt dog has produced exceptionally well as far as records go, and has a deservedly-good reputation as a stud dog, but the offspring of his that I saw personally were only competitive if you agreed to swap it out with them ... but when they faced good, strong, tough head dogs ... they were pretty helpless IMO ... and when they faced my killer Coki dogs they were totally overwhelmed ...


  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    when they faced good, strong, tough head dogs ... they were pretty helpless IMO ... and when they faced my killer Coki dogs they were totally overwhelmed ...

    I just picked this part out because just like the other thread and probably many before it this is true 90% of the time. I was once in loved with the Hagler's & Tyson's style of dogs because it was just impressive when I didnt know what i was truly seeing in the box. Then an old friend, who had retired and just kept a few around to school guys like myself would say go out pick out one, dont matter what size and bring your baddest one over. And no matter if it was even weight or his were pushing 5lbs, them strong, talented head dogs would whip the best of mine 8 or 9x out of 10 and I would be just clueless like I seen this dog whip many and now he can't get off a punch. Them Strong true head dogs will whip most dogs more times then not. Granted there are some freaks that get through but not that many. I hear people say freaks all the time but there is only so many Zebo's, Andy Capp's and Queen of Hearts that have come through the last 50 years. Might not be the most favored style but a good head dog wins majority of the time.

  3. #13
    Great post Crazy Red.

    Aside from being a great post, an interesting note about your post was 2 of the 3 "freak" dogs you mentioned (Andy Capp and The Queen) were freak mouth head dogs


  4. #14
    I know that when tbey bred brigades consuela to emmit, almost all quit. When they bred her to yellow2, ch. Crybaby and other winners.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    Great post Crazy Red.

    Aside from being a great post, an interesting note about your post was 2 of the 3 "freak" dogs you mentioned (Andy Capp and The Queen) were freak mouth head dogs

    You know I never even thought about it but yes you are correct. As well as most of the "Freaks" that people talk about, most worked the head at some point. From my understanding of Zebo he was same style, would hit kill spots but was very intelligent and would hit your head as well. I know Tornado was and I believe Art would do the same. No coincidences in that at all.

  6. #16
    Yeah my bitch bee bee 3 years old has emmit crossed with the redboy and a bit of snooty and has a bit of the zebo on the bottom outcross so that wld be a dif type of dog than u schooled against mr jack and she has it all ! Now a lot of peps say take her bck to some more redboy but I think out the box used my male king 10 years old and past his prime but still will produce get calls all the time too stud him he is a head/neck dog 75% line breed bullet crossed with the snooty/Molly bee/Rufus type blood etc and 25% of him has the honey bunch and your vise- grip blood type blood threw browns. We call this a battle cross. They have 9-7 pups so plenty to work with ! Now some peps tlk junk cause he heavy Stoney but I tell them his name is king anyway works out when they under estmate the blood .

  7. #17
    The Roach and Clyde dogs have been pretty good. I understand that the three dogs I have seen off the Clyde and Roach can't be the grade for an entire line but here goes...I do not see a lot of Emmitt in those dogs. Those dogs have traits and in the three up this way are a lot like the Mims dogs we see around here. The strain of Mims dogs in that pedigree were solid and threw dogs that threw dogs. Emmit was a solid dog himself and produced good dogs in certain breedings. I would not call him one of the all time greats as a producer but he was a solid Ch. who went into good dogs to earn that title. I like the way your bitch is bred. I personally would breed her back toward the Mims family. Check out stressless Wrangler/BDK Wrangler. This would be a dog that is bred similar to your bitch. Similar families. He has been a solid performer and his first couple of breedings look good as young dogs. His stud career is just starting but it looks promising. EWO

    ps. Like in the other thread, best of luck with the breedings.EWO

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    The Roach and Clyde dogs have been pretty good. I understand that the three dogs I have seen off the Clyde and Roach can't be the grade for an entire line but here goes...I do not see a lot of Emmitt in those dogs. Those dogs have traits and in the three up this way are a lot like the Mims dogs we see around here. The strain of Mims dogs in that pedigree were solid and threw dogs that threw dogs. Emmit was a solid dog himself and produced good dogs in certain breedings. I would not call him one of the all time greats as a producer but he was a solid Ch. who went into good dogs to earn that title. I like the way your bitch is bred. I personally would breed her back toward the Mims family. Check out stressless Wrangler/BDK Wrangler. This would be a dog that is bred similar to your bitch. Similar families. He has been a solid performer and his first couple of breedings look good as young dogs. His stud career is just starting but it looks promising. EWO

    ps. Like in the other thread, best of luck with the breedings.EWO
    What up EWO thanks u right the mims trait is heavy and thats a good idea will think about it but unless I a wrong no one else has one breed like bee bee and I know no one has kings cross he produced fine himself dogs like this strong , athletic, big head ,game, bite shit in half mouth dogs! Now the only reason y'all have not heard of him is be cause I just started showing his pedigree bout 2-3 years ago and the bitch I breed him to queen a good dog herself wld only hv 3 damn pups not a lot to work with her mom had 10 that was crazy! Any way these were my 1st 2 dogs the pups were good some hotter than other like always but they wld grow so big 10 nipples 3 pups milk all day haha! My mistake was I got alot of these pups in the wrong hands got one still honey bout 3 year old I will breed bck to king, I was younger then and now see it more important to place the dogs in the right homes than selling them just for the $$. I know few have have been put down for showing too much action in the wrong hands people who cld not handle the dogs just wanted a pretty pup! Like I sd my error! And peps liked the top but knew nothing about the old ace angles blood mostly only old vets did. So now I take more care and pride in finding the right home for my pups!

  9. #19
    I think the two things that contribute the most to the failings in these dogs is impatience and being in the wrong hands. At times those two are one in the same. So I hear you. The key to the success of any line is where they end up. The very best can be reduced to nothing when mixed with ignorance. Best of luck. EWO

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    I think the two things that contribute the most to the failings in these dogs is impatience and being in the wrong hands. At times those two are one in the same. So I hear you. The key to the success of any line is where they end up. The very best can be reduced to nothing when mixed with ignorance. Best of luck. EWO
    Amen brother!!!

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