Yeah 9-12 weeks is a big difference from 6weeks
If its my litter, I want to wait it out as long possible before I decide which ones I like.
If its not my litter, I dont want to pick after 9 weeks. I like my pup with me earlier.
I like to take them out and see how they react and play with them a little. get them to chase the toys... look at the different builds of the dogs and see which ones are built like or structured like certain family members. My last litter I could tell differences at 6 weeks based on how they were acting with eachother in the pen. But I mean, everything is subject to change cuz they are just pups. If I only got one choice though, I aint gonna select the one with the attitude and demeanor i like the least out of all thats available.
I figure it's a gamble any way you choose to go my bitch just had a litter to a mates male 2 boys 2 girls i am going to keep 1 bitch not interested in the males 1 bitch is black and the other is buckskin my bitch is buck skin and the sire is black so i am keeping the buck skin bitch cause the sires owner wanted a bitch aswell so he can have the black 1 be easier if he wanted a male id be able to give him 2 males and keep both bitch's i want mine needled at 6 weeks old so all the rest are going at maybe 5.5 weeks so the new owner can needle them as they see fit i'm not selling the pup's they are given away to working homes so i don't want to pay other peoples cost's...