and how big of a bag
and how big of a bag
Limey Kennels,
I was checking out the red mills feed but i couldnt find something about the % of carhybodrates in it.
I'm looking for a feed with less protein for dogs in rest, since mine get really soft stool from dog lovers gold. But i see racer has the same % protein in it. I see tracker has only 20 % but is it necessary to supplement tracker or is t a complete food on its own, for dogs in rest?
Would you use Xcel yourself when dogs are in training? I like to condition on mainly fat, but since this feed is originally designed for racing dogs i have the feeling its to much based on carbohydrates. You can say bulldogs are related to greyhounds, but the work they do is far from the same. In which way would Xcel be superior compared to kibbles like royal canin energy 4800 and eukanuba working and endurance (which arnt designed for greyhounds)?
Have you gone to the website and looked at the info , or otherwise just email them and ask about the carb content.
The man who swichst from raw to drij kibble who i posted a picture of is feeding his dogs the tracker of season. its a 20%/11% protien fat mixture. there is a lot of carbs in there. but he feeds it to his outside dogs in winter time. and is very contend with it as are others feeing it . carbs do makes them FAT .Personaly for my dogs its just alittle to less protien. thats why i feed them racer and swithst Gain 28 to some dogs diet. but it varies with bloodlines and dogs.. if you have a problem with Dog lovers gold you might feed to mutch ore ad to mutch water food contens (if you soak). just cut back on there kibble and look for that perfect stool. if that thussend work your bound to look for something that works beter for them.. we DO feed Xell and resendly Gain record breaker when dogs are being workt.
altho Greyhounds are sprinters and stayer, there sporting activeties are mainly track racing yes. BUT do realize that they use MASSIF amounds of energy when racing. and maintaining the massif amounds of muscle bulk asks for superior food.
at the same time there are PLENTY of greyhounds used on hunting parties ofthen crossed with the pitbull terrier called lurches(alredy done 200 years ago hensh both greyhound and pitbull terrier are more related then people realize and why they race with muzzles on as they can kill ethother fighting witch is stil in them from the pitbull cross made 150 / 200years ago). and these dogs can go for hours.
When it comes to diferend kibble like eucanuba wich was our chooice back then Xell is superior in every way . we used to feed the racer back then as the Xell was not around and we needed to imported it . due to this wealso fed Eucanuba it was a far beter brand back then it is today . .. the 4800 of Royal canine i cant judge upon as we stay wel clear of PET foods today. understand that Red Mills make a pet line as wel . wich we would NOT use ore feed that eather. it IS true that there is a lot of CRAP drij food out there . hensh we whent for a kibble like Red Mills and Gain thats being used for dogs that race for stakes upto 100.000 usd...
Gains uses maize/corn in its feed ,which as we know is no use to a dog ,and is found in most of the brands that use it as a filler insttead of better ingreidients, but then again you get waht you pay for in life , and the cost of gains and redmill is reasonably priced , so there is some compromise in the quality of every ingriedient ,compared to a brand that uses the best of ingredients.Redmills has cereal, which is maybe maize , but probably if cost is important, then trying to find a decent kibble is going to be hard.In the end raw is the best , as the food is not processed to shit like kibble is ,but i was looking at the redmill and gain, and maybe for the pirce its not bad if you overlook the maize/corn content and maybe using there tracker kibble and raw is a good compromise ,but if time is not improtant,then raw has to be better for the dog .
Projectx you may be familier with the usa racing scene. particulair drag racing/road racing. custom build american v8,s . wel to get horse power they do all sorts of things . one of them is head porting the engine heads to get a better flow. beter flow is more air x gasoline is a bigger bang!!..
In resend yesrs very ecspensif CNC porting machines have taken over the old fasion way of hand porting . and has become very populair umongst the younger crouwd.
However what they do not realize is that in order to used sutch a machine it has to be programed.
and they use heads that are ported bij man itself..
in that aspect a CNC machine therfore is only as good as the program that is used from a hand porter engine head. . with this i try to tell you that al those so called Kibble/ food wizers who tell you which food is good en wich one isend. bij the contense used to formulate the food is based on what they are told themselfs ore what so called sientific studies have brought to light!!.
However First hand 20/30 ore 40 years of ecsperienced working with our breed feeding them. doing the tings that are done with our breed, is something these people cant ore dont take with them in there final judgemend!!!!. its like myself, i rather have a custome head porter working on my racing heads then to belive a nice CNC program who on paper give the the same ore iven BETER headflow. while my heads might have a little less flow they can do mutch beter, if the flow gives performance in the low mid ore highend range of my engines performance..
Unfortunatly on the race track we dont mach ore race nrs that are given of the flow bensh on the dyno machines.
real live testing and racing gives a compleat diferend outcome!!!!..
A dog can perfectly wel diguest wel prepeard corn / maize no problem . it depends if its a low end el cheapo kibble ore a highend mid level cost specific brand of dog food.. that makes all the diferens. food wizers to me are worthless. in such a way where the quality of the dogfood is detirmend what a dog can do eating it..... NOT what the food wizer tells you the way it has been made of. a greyhound and some other working breeds would burn up in seconds racing on Orijen high protien food to give you a aczample as to high protien is known to do that. yet acording to a foodwizer its umongst the best out there and very pricy.................
Am I missing something here with this Red Mills feed? How is a dry feed product that has "Cereals" as it's most prominent ingredient even being considered as a quality dry feed choice?![]()
I gues in a 500.000.000$$ racing industry they know stuf you dont...
There is also another multibillion industry that involves all the pro-athletes from every sport, they do indorse products, do you believe they use all of them?
I bet the guys preparing the dogs for such races know a lot about feeding, but that doesnt mean some bag meant for a totally different sport is instantly most suitable for our dogs. Like if marathon walkers would eat the same feed as 50/100 meter sprinters.
I would like to see a well conditioned bulldog on red mills in real life. Cause im getting pretty bored again![]()