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Thread: Took a big

  1. #11
    Take out no vengeance on who ever yourself. The final persons that may suffer is your self and family. Talk with a lawyer and see what legal actions you may have. That is the only safe recourse. Probably radiator fluid was put in the water. Dog will drink this till they pop. Understand there is no saving a dog when this stuff gets into it's system.

    Sorry for your loss. The Sorrell dogs are becoming a rare commodity, hate to hear you lost that dog. If at all possible try to move out in the boonies away from the suburbs and city. John Q. public has been media brain washed to believe our dogs are very evil. That the only good bulldog is a dead one. Take Care

  2. #12
    Be smart, and that is much easier said than done. Years ago I had one get off the chain and I lost two good dogs. His collar was buckled but two holes too tight. I kinda know who did it but do not have video proof like yourself. It has eaten at me for years.

    I am not sure about bulldogs, or your local laws, but the dogs legally carry no real value here in NC. A friend of mine had two of his hunting dogs shot a couple of years ago as they passed along a field (not even on the shooter's property). I think it is like a $1500 cap, but the kicker is that the average guy can't be in court and miss work on four-five-six occasions.

    Not that they can be replaced but I hope you get some sort of retribution. Best of luck. EWO

  3. #13
    Ditto EWO. If I told who I thought went on my yard and broke my Chuck dog's spine. Would blow one's mind. The person was seen turning onto the main road off the dirt road I lived on. My wife saw this person as she was turning in. Acted like he did not see her while she was looking dead at him and waving. She went out side to look at the dogs about 45 minutes later and found Chuck crawling and dragging with no use of his hind legs.

    My Monkey bitch was poisoned on the day she was to give birth with a litter off the Zetterquest's brother's Critter dog. Some dog men got upset over Chandler giving me the Face bitch as a gift. When they had tried to buy her for $5000.00. My wife was Chandler's first cousin, he knew she would love and take care of Face like a small child. Which she did do.

    Nothing we can do unless they are caught in the act. Then only with caution. Look what happen to D. Tant for setting those man traps around his dog property. Cheers

  4. #14
    So true. The dog game is really no different that society, there is good, and then there is bad. And just like society the bad can be really bad. What would possess someone to harm a dog in that way is beyond me. I can't wrap my brain around the concept of hurting someone by way of hurting their animals, or their property for that matter.

    Although there is no just replacement for a lost animal I hope the maximum retribution will be found for the loss. EWO

  5. #15
    Which is why I eventually adopted a "no one visits the yard" policy ...


  6. #16
    Subscribed Member Yardboyz's Avatar
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    deep south
    Quote Originally Posted by DabridgePit View Post
    Charges are a must they killed what I was trying to build , I had the cops go over and show them photos an vid clips from camera. I'd would have done sum not worth the trouble.. We get bad rep with the type of dogs now no need for me to add to the trouble... My fav bitch an 3 of her 1 yr old pups , plus my 1yr old sorrell male.
    Sorry for the lost man! But that says a lot about your character, you being able to put the outlook/rep of the breed first, even when you are furious. Once again sorry for your loss but make them pay.
    -Listen to the dog, and you'll go further.

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